Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the ESC research and publications
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HFA Research and Publications

The HFA provides the latest research in the field of heart failure via the European Journal of Heart Failure, as well an open access journal, ESC Heart Failure.

European Journal of Heart Failure

Advancing knowledge in the field of heart failure management.

The journal publishes reviews and editorials to improve the understanding, prevention, investigation and treatment of heart failure. Molecular and cellular biology, pathology, physiology, electrophysiology, pharmacology, as well as the clinical, social and population sciences all form part of the discipline that is heart failure.


ESC Heart Failure

ESC Heart Failure is the open access journal of the HFA dedicated to the advancement of knowledge in the field of heart failure.

The journal  improves the understanding, prevention, investigation and treatment of heart failure. Molecular and cellular biology, pathology, physiology, electrophysiology, pharmacology, as well as the clinical, social and population sciences all form part of the discipline that is heart failure.

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ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines with a Focus on Heart Failure



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HFA Atlas

A database of heart failure demographics compiled from 42 countries. Part of the ESC Atlas of Cardiology.

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