Cardiovascular data
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Cardiovascular Data

Prioritising and harmonising cardiovascular data collection

Discover our innovative cardiovascular data platforms, hosting clinical and public health data and information about research funding across Europe. 

ESC Atlas of Cardiology

A country aggregated, non-clinical database that maps how many hospitals, doctors and procedures are performed in each of the ESC’s 57 member countries in Europe and the Mediterranean basin. 

euCanShare - Cardiovascular Research Data Catalogue

A consolidated cohort browser that integrates more than 32 European and Canadian cohorts that comprise omics, imaging, lifestyle, environmental, sociodemographic, physical and clinical data.



A comprehensive online database of CVD funding throughout Europe that can be used by researchers, scientific organisations and funding agencies to encourage synergies and cooperation, reducing duplication of efforts and identifying gaps and priorities for funding organisations.

Oxford-ESC Burden of Disease project

This project reveals the economic burden of CVD in ESC member countries and is crucial to building an integrated ESC Data Centre, an aim within the current ESC Strategic Plan. It will make the ESC a trusted partner for the EU and other funders in advancing CV research.

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Also of interest


The ESC's Global Registries And Surveys Programme (GRASP) provides better understanding of medical practices and adherence to cardiology guidelines based on observational data.

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Research Funding

The ESC supports excellence in research, funding grants and fellowships and partnering in research projects that advance cardiovascular medicine.

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Cardiovascular Research

Basic, translational and clinical research.

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