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Editor & Reviewer Opportunities

European Heart Journal – Case Reports is recruiting new members for their editor and reviewer teams.


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EHJ – Case Reports

Fully Open-Access Journal of International Case Reports - Only Online

The ESC's European Heart Journal – Case Reports (EHJ-Case Reports) publishes high quality, valuable, educational case reports, images, and quality improvement projects in all aspects of cardiology and cardiovascular medicine. The cases will be of interest to senior medical students and doctors during the early stages of their medical careers.

The primary aim is to promote learning among junior cardiologists as regards both the published content as well as the review-and-editorial process. The journal operates a mentorship plan to develop junior reviewers and editors under the close guidance of experienced senior reviewers and editors.

Fast facts

  • Editor-in-Chief: Philipp Sommer
  • Current volume: 8 (year 2024)
  • Issues per subscription: 12
  • Impact Factor 2023: 0.8

Editor-in-Chief history

Name Start Date End Date
Professor John Camm 01/07/2016 31/12/2022
Professor Philipp Sommer 01/01/2023  




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Before being published, all manuscripts go through double-blind, peer review by experienced international experts.