ESC National Cardiac Societies
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ESC National Cardiac Societies

A united voice

Institutional members (on a national level) and the ESC (on a global level) share a common goal of reducing the burden of cardiovascular disease, which remains the leading cause of death worldwide. Together, we are committed to disseminating scientific knowledge, acting in the interests of patients and representing the community of cardiovascular professionals.

58 ESC National Cardiac Societies

Albania, AL

Algeria, DZ

Austria, AT

Azerbaijan, AZ

Belgium, BE

Bosnia and Herzegovina, BA

Bulgaria, BG

Croatia, HR

Cyprus, CY

Czechia, CZ

Denmark, DK

Estonia, EE

Finland, FI

France, FR

Georgia, GE

Germany, DE

Greece, GR

Hungary, HU

Iceland, IS

Ireland, IE

Israel, IL

Kazakhstan, KZ

Kosovo Republic of, XK
Kosovo Republic of Kosovo Society of Cardiology

Kyrgyzstan, KG

Latvia, LV

Lebanon, LB

Libya, LY

Lithuania, LT

Luxembourg, LU

Malta, MT

Moldova (Republic of), MD
Moldova (Republic of) Moldavian Society of Cardiology

Montenegro, ME

Morocco, MA

North Macedonia, MK

Netherlands, NL

Poland, PL

Portugal, PT

Romania, RO

Russian Federation, RU
Russian Federation Russian Society of Cardiology*

San Marino, SM

Serbia, RS

Slovakia, SK

Slovenia, SI

Sweden, SE

Switzerland, CH

Syrian Arab Republic, SY
Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Cardiovascular Association

Türkiye, TR

Turkmenistan, TM

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, GB
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland British Cardiovascular Society

Uzbekistan, UZ

*The Belorussian Scientific Society of Cardiologists and the Russian Society of Cardiology are temporarily suspended from the membership of the ESC.
See ESC Statement.

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