Discover the ESC Core Curriculum for the Cardiologist
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Discover the ESC Core Curriculum for the Cardiologist

ESC Core Curriculum for the Cardiologist - 2020 Edition

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What's new in the 2020 Edition of the ESC Core Curriculum?


Entrustable Professional Activities

Entrustable Professional Activity (EPA)The clinical competencies for evaluation and care of patients with cardiovascular diseases are described as Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs).

EPAs are units of professional activity focusing on clinical skills, but also incorporating the related knowledge, adequate attitudes, and professional roles in a holistic clinical context.

EPAs can be overseen, assessed, monitored, documented, and certified. They represent an excellent instrument for developing and documenting trust in our trainees. At the same time, EPAs provide a framework to build a robust, trustworthy training programme.




National perspectives on ESC Core Curriculum



Patients and Young Community Perspective on ESC Core Curriculum



Useful links

 ESC Education Conference
