What does the European Society of Cardiology do?
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What We Do

The ESC's mission is to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease is the biggest killer in Europe, accounting for 4 million deaths per year (47% of all mortalities) and costing the EU economy an estimated €196 billion annually.
Everything we do advances the prevention, diagnosis and management of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

The ESC disseminates evidence-based scientific knowledge to cardiovascular professionals so they can better care for their patients.

Also of interest

ESC Strategic Plan 2023-2028

The Strategic Plan is a strong expression of the ESC´s commitment to cardiovascular medicine and its dedication to people

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ESC Patient Engagement

The ESC is actively involving patients in its activities.

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Relationships with Industry: the ESC Approach

While ESC activities are organised independently by the ESC, their costs are offset indirectly and in part by funding from the healthcare industry.

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Cardiovascular Round Table (CRT)

The Cardiovascular Round Table is a strategic forum for high-level dialogue between industry (pharmaceuticals, devices and equipment) and ESC leadership to identify and discuss key strategic issues for the future of cardiovascular health in Europe.

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ESC Young Community

The ESC Young Community comprises 11 groups: one for general cardiology and 10 for subspecialties.

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ESC Initiatives
The ESC develops initiatives that support its mission to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease.
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