About the ESC Working Groups
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ESC Working Groups

ESC Board Member for Working Groups

Dr Carlos Aguiar, FESC, Lisbon, Portugal

Carlos Aguiar is a Cardiology Consultant at Hospital Santa Cruz in Carnaxide, Portugal, where he chairs the Advanced Heart Failure and Heart Transplantation Unit. Carlos Aguiar is also an Assistant of the Nova Medical School in Lisbon, an advisor to the Portuguese General Directorate of Health, and a member of the Portuguese Health Technology Assessment Committee. His main research interests are heart failure and cardiovascular prevention. Carlos Aguiar has been a volunteer in several ESC activities. These include: councillor of the Board (2014-2016), chairperson of the e-Communications Committee (2014-2016 and 2016-2018), member of the Media Committee (2016-2018), member of the Congress Programme Committee (2016-2018), member of the Global Affairs Committee (2014-2022), chairperson of the Communications Committee (2020-2024), member of the DOI Committee (2020-2024), and member of the ESC TV Today Editorial Team. 

Meet the ESC Working Groups chairs

Adult Congenital Heart Diseases
Dr. Margarita Brida, FESC, Croatia

Aorta & Peripheral Vascular Diseases
Aorta & Peripheral Vascular Diseases
Professor Jose Fernando Rodriguez Palomares, FESC, Spain
Atherosclerosis and Vascular Biology
Professor Elena Ost, FESC, Switzerland
Doctor Daniel Johnson, UK
Dr. Sotoria Liori, committee member
Professor Dobromir Dobrev, FESC, Germany
Doctor Ricardo Sanz Ruiz, Spain
Coronary Pathophysiology and Microcirculation
Doctor Edina Cenko, FESC, Italy
Professor Antonio Baldini, Italy
Professor Magnus Thorsten Jensen, Denmark
Professor Carsten Tschoepe, Germany
Professor Wolfgang Linke, FESC, Germany
Professor Erik Klok, FESC, Netherlands

Cardiovascular Surgery
Professor Roberto Lorusso, Netherlands

Aorta & Peripheral Vascular Diseases
Cellular Biology of the Heart
Doctor Maurizio Pesce, Italy
Professor Diana A Gorog, FESC, UK

The 15 Working Groups are the scientific backbone of the ESC

Primarily dedicated to research and education, they contribute to:

  • The organisation and preparation of ESC Congress, as well as scientific meetings, courses and symposia in specific areas of expertise.
  • Promote, design, coordinate and organise research in their specialty
  • Produce numerous field focused studies, registries, position papers, consensus documents and reviewing of ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines.
  • Disseminate scientific knowledge to bring the benefit of translational research to practising physicians
  • Gather and exchange information regarding research and related activities within the Working Group and with interest to members of the Working Group.
  • Organise teaching workshops
  • Recommend the establishment of ESC Task Forces to the Committee for Practice Guidelines and Policy Conferences to publish appropriate guidelines and recommendations and to set up Study Groups to discuss and publish issues of contemporary importance to the Working Group.

All Working Groups follow ESC statutes and participate in the mission statement of the ESC which is: To reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease.


Discover the ESC Working Group that gets to the heart of your subspecialty in the cardiovascular field – they are networks that will make a difference to your research, your practice and your ongoing medical development.


Working Groups Internal Governance

The ESC may create Working Groups for the study and advancement of particular subjects related to the heart and the vascular system. The creation or dissolution of a Working Group is decided by the Ordinary General Assembly of the ESC upon proposal of the ESC Board.

The internal governance of the ESC Working Groups is detailed in the ESC Working Groups Governance Procedure, an ESC Board approved document.

The present document is currently valid and approved by the ESC Board on 11 December 2019, with minor revisions approved by the ESC Management Group on 28 January 2022.

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ESC Working Groups elections 2024

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