Global Registries And Surveys Programme of the ESC
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Global Registries And Surveys Programme (GRASP)

GRASP is a programme of observational, multicentre, international, prospective and retrospective, longitudinal and cross-sectional studies with the aim of capturing real world evidence.

The main objectives of GRASP are:

  • To evaluate the implementation of ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines, aiming to close the gap between guideline standards and clinical practice, and to identify gaps in adherence to guidelines to determine needs for future education.
  • To assess the epidemiology and management of rare and complex cardiovascular conditions.
  • To evaluate structured approaches to prevent cardiovascular diseases, thereby directly contributing to the ESC mission to reduce the burden of cardiovascular diseases.


If you would like to participate in a GRASP Registry, please contact us

GRASP Studies

Common diseases (snapshot studies)

Rare Disease (registry studies)

  • Cardiomyopathies (planned)

Prevention (registry studies)