Young practitioners: tell us more about your expectations
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Young practitioners: tell us more about your expectations

On behalf of the Board of the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI), we are delighted to announce that the EAPCI will hold its next Summit meeting early May on the very important topic “How to address current challenges faced by the young interventional cardiologists”.

The EAPCI Summit is a yearly meeting for the national Working Groups operating in the 55 European Societies of Cardiology (ESC) offering the opportunity to exchange at high level ideas and projects.

To help us articulate the discussions during this meeting and ultimately have cutting-edge reflections fitting your expectations, as a young professional working in the field of interventional cardiology, we would be grateful if you could take 5 minutes of your time to fill in the online questionnaire designed around 4 main topics:

Training & Education - Clinical Research
Networking & Communication - Professionnal issues

Thank you in advance for your support in shaping the future of our Association.