HFA Winter Meeting - previous meetings
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HFA Winter Meeting - previous meetings

HFA Winter Meetings are a long-standing event in the HFA calendar

What our attendees say

 Participating in the HFA Winter Meeting on Translational Heart Failure Research is a unique opportunity to:

  • Develop a global network by discussing our findings with experts in the cardiovascular field.
  • Meet investigators from around the world presenting cutting-edge research on the latest advances in topics related to heart failure.
  • Gain visibility and feedback on our research. The size of the meeting allows experts in the field of cardiovascular research to see our work, and dedicated viewing times are planned for discussion with faculties and attendees. The poster sessions allow us to speak one-on-one with people interested in our research. Presenters benefit from this interaction by gaining feedback on projects.
  • Be recognised. Young researchers meeting certain criteria are eligible to participate in the Poster Award Competition.
  • Have our abstracts selected for the annual Heart Failure Congress and published in the European Journal of Heart Failure.

Delphine Mika, PhD
Signalisation & Physiopathologie Cardiovasculaire, Inserm Umr-S1180, Paris Sud

2024 HFA Winter Research Meeting

For the first time, the HFA Winter Research Meeting took place at the European Heart House, in Sophia Antipolis, France.

Detailed programme


2023 HFA Winter Research Meeting

After two years of online meeting, the HFA Winter Research Meeting 2023 took place back in Les Diablerets, CH.

Detailed programme

2022 HFA Winter Meeting

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2022 edition of the HFA Winter Meeting was held online on 27-28 January.

Detailed programme

2021 HFA Winter Meeting

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting restrictions, the 2021 edition of the HFA Winter Meeting was adapted and held online.

Detailed programme

2019 HFA Winter Meeting

Talks were given by speakers with dedicated time for discussion. The number of participants was limited to 130, creating an atmosphere conducive to dialogue and networking.

Detailed  Programme  Meet the Faculty

The HFA Winter Meeting through the years

The HFA Winter Meeting on Translational Heart Failure Research has been a long-standing tradition and has emerged as the best basic and translational heart failure meeting in Europe.  

The tradition started in 1983initiated by Professor Dirk Brutsaert (founding president of the Heart Failure Association of the ESC, 2004–2008), the first official meeting was chaired by Sir James Whyte Black, who developed the first b-blockers and was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1988.


Winter Meeting participants 2018
Winter Meeting participants 2018

Interviewing poster participants
Interviewing poster participants

Denise Hilfiker Kleiner Brutsaert Lecture
Denise Hilfiker Kleiner Brutsaert Lecture

David Kass Special Lecture
David Kass Special Lecture


Find out more from faculty about why they attend and what makes the HFA Winter Meeting so special.