Dublin: CVD prevention capital of the world
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Dublin: CVD prevention capital of the world


  • Ireland hosts premier cardiac prevention meeting
  • 3 to 5 May 2012 at Convention Centre, Dublin, Ireland
Risk Factors and Prevention

Sophia Antipolis, 25 April 2012: EuroPRevent2012, the premier European event on cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention, brings together the latest guidelines and studies focused on reducing the global epidemic of heart disease.

The stark facts are that each year over 4.3 million people in Europe will die of CVD, and that CVD is responsible for around 40% of all deaths occurring in people below the age of 75 years. Yet studies suggest that around 90% of heart attacks worldwide could be prevented by changes to lifestyle, such as stopping smoking, taking more exercise, reducing stress and eating diets high in fruit and vegetables.

EuroPRevent2012 - which has been organised by the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (EACPR), a registered branch of the European Society of Cardiology, looks at ways of getting this knowledge into widespread practice.

With delegates attending including cardiologists, GPs, nurses, dieticians, sports scientists, psychologists, health planners, and politicians, stories can be considered from a wide range of angles.

Newsworthy events featuring at EuroPRevent2012 include:

  • The first unveiling of the new European Guidelines on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice (version 2012).  Running throughout the meeting will be sessions considering the implications of the latest guidelines.
  • More than 46 sessions held over three days in a four track design, including  telemedicine in cardiac rehabilitation and prevention, new facts on obesity challenge, latest data on fish in primary prevention, the role of heart rate in prognosis, and insights into how regular jogging can translate into increased life expectancy.
  • Over 500 abstracts featuring the latest research studies in CVD prevention.
  • An all-day hypertension master class on Thursday 3 May, including advances in stroke prevention management, optimal blood pressure goals for the brain, heart and kidney and the link between hypertension and atrial fibrillation.
  • Ireland Day, held on Thursday 3 May, which will focus specifically on health prevention policy in Ireland, with updates on the latest mortality and morbidity patterns and the status of health prevention and promotion.

Press briefing:

There will be a press briefing for the “European Guidelines on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice (version 2012) and other topics of interest on Thursday 3 May at 11am in Meeting Room Liffey 3B.

Notes to editor

About EuroPRevent

EuroPRevent2012 is the annual meeting of the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (EACPR), a registered branch of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). EuroPRevent2012 takes place 3 to 5 May 2012 at the Convention Centre, Dublin – Ireland.

The full scientific programme is accessible here.  Abstracts are online here

About EuroPRevent 2012 press registration

Free media registration is conducted online via “My ESC” supported by presentation of a press card or letter of assignment with proof of three published articles together with the filled in and signed embargo form.

On-site registration opens at 15:00 on 2 May.

Interviews can be arranged through the ESC Press Office before the event at press@escardio.org Tel +33(0)4 92 94 8627 or +33(0)4 9294 7756

Details of on-site Media Centre: Liffey Meeting Room 4
On-site contact person: Adam Kirtley +44 7976 2926 89

Venue information

Convention Center Dublin (CCD)
Located in Spencer Dock on Dublin’s North Wall Quay. Accessible by the Luas Red Line (tram) runs directly behind The DART (Dublin Area Rapid Transit) is also accessible nearby. The CCD is also well served by bus and taxi services.
Sat Nav info: N 53 20 51.5/    W 6 14 24.6/   Loc8 Code is NN6-16-S23

The mission of the EACPR is to promote excellence in research, practice, education and policy in cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation in Europe. 

About the ESC

The ESC represents 75 000 cardiology professionals across Europe and the Mediterranean. Its mission is to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease in Europe.