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EAPC Primary Care and Risk Factor Management Section

Preventive Cardiology
Risk Factors and Prevention

This section contributes to the EAPC mission by investigating, defining standards, and promoting cardiovascular disease prevention in the primary care setting, including risk factor management for those at risk and those with established cardiovascular diseases.

Section Nucleus 2024–2026

Chair: Alessandro Biffi (IT)
Chair-Elect: Eduard Shantsila (UK)
Secretary: Panteleimon Papakonstantinou (GR)
Past Chair: Donata Kurpas (PL)

Nucleus members: 

  • Oleksii Korzh (UA)
  • Maria Marketou (GR)
  • Trine Moholdt (NO)
  • Stefano Palermi (IT)
  • Zaneta Petrulioniene (LT)
  • Ilonca Vaartjes (NL)
  • Marco Vecchiato (IT)
  • Elio Venturini (IT)

Non-voting members:

  • Ana Abreu (PT), Executive Officer liaison
  • Edward Nicol (UK), Advisor Occupational Cardiology
  • Mark Abela (MT), Advisor Occupational Cardiology
  • Mats Borjesson (SE), Advisor Occupational Cardiology
  • Norma Caples (IE), liaison officer ACNAP
  • Dimitris Richter (GR), liaison officer ESC Council for Cardiology Practice 
  • Ferdinando Petrazzuoli (IT), liaison officer WONCA Europe

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