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20 years of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology

Celebrating 20 years of achievements with our community



EAPC Milestones


EAPC Memories


Guy-De-Backer-2024.png "My best memory of EAPC is the creation of the Association with the late Joep Perk, back in 2004"
Professor Guy de Backer
EAPC President 2004-2006

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EAPC in numbers

YOU are the EAPC

Share your best memory of EAPC : we will publish the most original ones

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A history of the EAPC


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See you at ESC Congress 2024 !

Join us in London at the EAPC General Assembly & Networking Cocktail on Sunday 1st September from 12:30 in ESC Meeting room 5, south level 2 – to celebrate 20 Years of EAPC and discover the 2024-2026 EAPC Board.