Geriatric Cardiology Resources
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Geriatric Cardiology Resources

Discover the work of the Task Force on Geriatric Cardiology and its mission in the video below.


Association between adherence to LS7 and frailty among older US adults

In this presentation the authors examine the association between the cardiovascular health score and risk of frailty among older adults in 9242 community-dwelling adults aged ≥ 65 years.

Presentation from ESC Congress 2024

Long-term changes in frailty and incident atrial fibrillation: multicenter prospective cohort study

This large population study on about 50.000 subjects investigates the associations of long-term changes in frailty with incident AF. Its associations with heart failure (HF), coronary heart disease (CHD), and stroke were also evaluated as a secondary aim.

Presentation from ESC Congress 2024

Edoxaban dose, frailty, and outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation: the ETNA-AF-Europe 4-year follow-up

This study assesses clinical outcomes in frail patients with AF receiving non-rec vs recommended (rec) doses of edoxaban using 4-yr follow-up data from ETNA-AF-Europe.

Presentation from ESC Congress 2024

Frailty and anticoagulant prescription in older hospitalized patients with atrial fibrillation: a multi-centred observational study

This retrospective observational cohort study found a high prevalence of frailty in older inpatients with AF and frailty was associated with a reduced likelihood of receiving OACs

Presentation from ESC Congress 2024

Association between self-care behaviour and multiple frailty domains in older patients with heart failure

This study indicates that poor self-care behaviour is linked to physical and social frailty, in addition to the cumulative number of frailty domains in older patients with HF

Presentation from ESC Congress 2024

Guidelines in Practice: management of dyslipidaemias in the elderly

The session presentations are focusing what ESC Guidelines recommend about dyslipidaemia management in elderly people, showing a clinical case and debating what to do in clinical practice.

Session of the 2022 ESC Congress

Antithrombotic treatment in the elderly

Often the treatment with antiaggregation or anticoagulation is a crucial problem in elderly frail patients. The webinars face the most common issues related to the topic.

Webinar organized by the Council for Cardiology Practice and Working Group on Thrombosis

Frailty in cardiology: assessment and consequences

The four presentations show the relationships of frailty with some cardiovascular conditions and how the correct management of frail patients allow to reach a better outcome.

Session from ESC Congress 2022

Chronic heart failure - Elderly and frailty

The six presentations show issues related to HF and frailty in old patients.

Session from the ESC Congress 2022

Are we following the 2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines on Management of Arterial Hypertension in Elderly Patients? 

The four presentations show the difficult topic of hypertension treatment in old patients showing a paradigmatic clinical case and the related recommendations of the ESC Guidelines on Hypertension

Session of the 2018 ESC Congress 

Hypertension management in the elderly and frail patient, webinar in collaboration with the Council of Hypertension

This Webinar is completing the indications and recommendations coming from the previous 2018 ESC Congress session

Webinar organised by the Council on Hypertension

Guidelines in Practice: management of dyslipidaemias in the elderly

The session focuses on what ESC Guidelines recommend for the management of dyslipidaemias in elderly people. Includes a clinical case and debate about what to do in clinical practice.

Session from ESC Congress 2022 

Antithrombotic treatment in the elderly

Often the treatment with antiaggregation or anticoagulation is a crucial problem in elderly frail patients.
The webinars face the most common issues related to the topic

Webinar organised by the Council for Cardiology Practice and the ESC Working Group on Thrombosis

Frailty in general cardiology consensus document

Frailty evaluation and management has become one of the major issues in general cardiology practice, due to the ageing population with cardiovascular diseases, often also affected by other components of disability and comorbidity. This position paper is a useful tool to guide practitioners.

Frailty in cardiology: definition, assessment and clinical implications for general cardiology. A consensus document of the Council for Cardiology Practice (CCP), Association for Acute Cardio Vascular Care (ACVC), Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions (ACNAP), European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC), European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA), Council on Valvular Heart Diseases (VHD), Council on Hypertension (CHT), Council of Cardio-Oncology (CCO), Working Group (WG) Aorta and Peripheral Vascular Diseases, WG e-Cardiology, WG Thrombosis, of the European Society of Cardiology, European Primary Care Cardiology Society (EPCCS) | European Journal of Preventive Cardiology | Oxford Academic

Holistic care of patients with cardiovascular disease and multimorbidity 

Three presentations about frailty assessment in cardiovascular patients, polypharmacy management and integrated care.

Session from ESC Congress 2020

The cardiovascular health team – how to manage frailty 

The three presentations of this session analyse the role of nurses, general practitioners, and general cardiologists in the management of frail patients.

Session from ESC Congress 2018

Digital health in older adults for the prevention and management of cardiovascular diseases and frailty, clinical consensus statement 

The paper highlights the potential benefits and challenges of digital health in older patients with cardiovascular diseases and frailty.

Digital health in older adults for the prevention and management of cardiovascular diseases and frailty. A clinical consensus statement from the ESC Council for Cardiology Practice/Taskforce on Geriatric Cardiology, the ESC Digital Health Committee and the ESC Working Group on e-Cardiology

 Survey on arterial hypertension management: a report from the ESC Council for Cardiology Practice and the ESC Council on Hypertension 

77.4% of 1458 responders to the survey consider Guidelines targets of blood pressure right. Low patient compliance, awareness of hypertension (HT) risk, and, at a lower degree, physician inertia, represent the main treatment challenges in reaching BP goals to most respondents, while treatment effectiveness is not in question.

Survey on arterial hypertension management: a report from the ESC Council for Cardiology Practice and the ESC Council on Hypertension

Management of hypertension in the elderly and frail patient

Blood pressure targets in hypertensive older and frail patients are not completely defined and specific individual evaluations of co-morbidities and frailty, together with weighted consideration of drug use, may help in finding the appropriate therapy

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Task Force on Geriatric Cardiology

In this interview, Prof. Luigina Guasti, Chair of the Task Force, shares its main goals and actual achievements, explaining how education is the main pillar of task force activities, using articles and position papers or statements, webinars, and ESC Congress sessions.



Discover more about the Task Force on Geriatric Cardiology


The content of this article reflects the personal opinion of the author/s and is not necessarily the official position of the European Society of Cardiology.