ESC Registries Governance
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ESC Registries Committee

The ESC Registries Committee oversees the ESC Registries programmes. The Committee recommends the launch of new studies and validates the study protocol, as well as the number of analyses per study.

Each study is developed by a task force with appropriate topical and observational research expertise which is responsible for the creation and finalisation of study specific documents (synopsis, protocol, CRF, publications).

The study task force is responsible for the operational application of the decisions taken by the Registries Committee and ESC Board, in collaboration with the ESC Registries Department, and is responsible for implementing and managing the study until final publication according to established ESC policies and procedures. 

ESC Registries Department

The ESC Registries Department is responsible for the operational management of studies from the preparation to the study closure. The Department is in charge of project management, data management (set up of data base for data collection, data monitoring, data quality checks, data transfers, etc.), statistical analyses, publication support, and ESC cross-departmental communication.


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