Chronic Coronary Syndrome Snapshot Study
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Chronic Coronary Syndrome Snapshot Study


The latest European Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of chronic coronary syndromes (CCS) were published by the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) in 2019. The document includes recommendations on basic assessment, diagnosis, risk assessment and management in five common CCS scenarios.


The study aims to evaluate the current adherence to the 2019 ESC Guidelines on CCS among healthcare professionals and identify potential barriers and facilitators to guideline implementation.

The findings of this study will provide valuable insights into the current state of guidelines implementation for CCS and help identify areas for improvement. The results can inform targeted interventions and educational programmes aimed at enhancing adherence to the guidelines, ultimately improving patient outcomes and the quality of care for individuals with CCS.


The GRASP-CCS snapshot study is a prospective, international, multicentre, longitudinal study with a short period of enrollment and a three-month follow-up.

Patients will be enrolled from invited cardiology clinics, hospitals, primary care clinics, and cardiac rehabilitation programs. Study centres will be identified based on the results of a site feasibility questionnaire to ensure wide geographical representation and proper representation of the five CCS categories in the pooled study sample.


Adult patients (18 years or older) with a confirmed diagnosis of CCS as defined by the 2019 ESC Guidelines on CCS:

  • patients with angina and/or dyspnoea, and suspected coronary artery disease;
  • patients with new onset of heart failure or reduced left ventricular function;
  • patients with a long-standing diagnosis of CCS (i.e., those with stabilised symptoms <1 year after an acute coronary syndrome or with recent revascularisation, and those >1 year after initial diagnosis or revascularisation);
  • patients with angina without obstructive disease in the epicardial coronary arteries (i.e., microvascular angina, vasospastic angina);
  • asymptomatic subjects referred to screening for coronary artery disease.


Study Organisation

The registry is managed by the HF Snapshot Study Task Force.

Study Task Force

  • Prof. Davide Capodanno (Italy)  
  • Prof. Stephane Achenbach (Germany)
  • Dr. Rash Al-Lamee (UK)
  • Prof. Jeroen Bax (Netherlands)
  • Dr. Roisin Colleran (Ireland)
  • Dr. Nieves Gonzalo Lopez (Spain)
  • Dr. Antonio Greco (Young associate) (Italy)
  • Prof. Juhani Knuuti (Finland)
  • Prof. Gilles Montalescot (France)
  • Prof. Eva Prescott (Denmark)
  • Assoc. Prof. Jolantha Siller-Matula (Austria)
  • Prof. Stephan Windecker (Switzerland)

Steering Committee

A Registry Steering Committee is composed of one National Coordinator per participating country. The National Cardiac Societies are responsible for the selection of the national coordinators who are in charge of the registry implementation and running of the registry in their respective countries.

How to Participate

If you are interested in participating, please contact

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