Why sponsor the EURObservational Registry Programme
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ESC Registries partnership


ESC Registries partnership

Valued partners’ contributions have allowed the ESC Registries programme to develop into a vast area of research in the field of cardiology. While all the cardiologists who contribute their time and energy to the enrolment of patients and completion of CRFs do this on a voluntary basis, the partners’ investment allows the ESC to continue to support the infrastructure required to develop this scientifically invaluable activity.

Supporting ESC Registries provides access to the widest cardiovascular network worldwide, and demonstrates a commitment to improve cardiovascular care by allowing the monitoring of clinical practice guidelines implementation. Such monitoring in turn may facilitate the update of ESC guideline recommendations and provides the foundation for the creation of educational resources to further promote guideline implementation.  

For any questions regarding sponsorship of ESC Registries, please contact industry@escardio.org.