Hotels and transport options for EHRA Congress
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Hotels and Transport

EHRA 2025, Vienna & Online from 30 March to 1 April

Book Your Room
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Travel to Vienna
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Getting to the Venue
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Information on Hotel Reservations

The ESC has appointed Mondial Congress & Events as its official housing agency for hotel reservations for EHRA 2025.

Leave a smaller footprint when you travel 

hotel-icon-green.pngMake your stay more sustainable by choosing a Green Certified hotel* and benefit from negotiated rates. 

*To be certified, hotels must fulfil internationally defined criteria specially adapted for establishments within the tourism sector. They must make considerable environmental efforts across areas such as food and beverage, energy, waste, and water. They should also calculate their carbon footprint and set targets to reduce it. 

Beware of Unauthorised or Fraudulent Hotel Agencies

Mondial Congress & Events is the only official housing agency for EHRA 2025. If you are contacted by any other company or agency offering housing for this congress, please note that these companies are not authorised to represent the ESC in any way, nor do they have access to the officially contracted ESC room blocks or rates. Please be aware that these unauthorised companies might not deliver what they promise in terms of quality and location. Rates and extra charges can be inflated or hefty fees placed on credit cards. If you are contacted by any such agency or have any questions regarding their legitimacy please don’t hesitate to contact us or by telephone +33 492947643.

The ESC's Official Housing Agency

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Mondial Congress & Events has selected a number of hotels with negotiated rates, as close as possible to the Messe Wien Congress Centre or with easy access to the congress by public transport.

You will be transferred to the online booking system of Mondial Congress.  You may be required to create an account on the partner booking platform. Please note that this is not connected in any way to your My ESC account.   For any questions related to reservations through our appointed housing agency kindly contact them directly 

Book your room now 


Requests for more than 10 rooms should be addressed to Mondial Congress & Events by email:

Rooms will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.  Please read booking terms & conditions carefully.

For other general accommodation queries

Please don't hesitate to contact the ESC directly.

Also of interest


Register now and get ready for 3 days of science and networking with intense exchanges.

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Visa Requirements and Invitation Letter

A customised invitation letter to delegates for visa purposes.

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