Environmental Sustainability - ESC Acute CardioVascular Care
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Environmental Sustainability - ESC Acute CardioVascular Care

ESC Acute CardioVascular Care 2025, Florence, 14–15 March

Towards a sustainable future together

We are committed to minimising the event's environmental impact, and are taking unprecedented steps to reduce waste.

We understand that hosting our various congresses throughout the year is both an honour and an environmental responsibility.


Discover our sustainable initiatives at ESC Acute CardioVascular Care 2025

Key initiatives

  1. Waste sorting
  2. No cups will be available at the water fountains, all participants are encouraged to bring their own reusable bottles.
  3. Limited Coffee Breaks (no CB in the afternoon of the last day)
  4. All the participants are encouraged to take public transportation as first option (distribution of free tram tickets to Florence airport distributed at the registration desk).
  5. Choice of a congress venue committed to reducing environmental impact of events

Sustainability tips at ESC Acute CardioVascular Care 2025

Go digital and limit paper usage 

qr-code-icon-green.pngThe ESC has drastically reduced the number of documents it prints. To help reduce paper usage, 

we encourage you to access congress materials and schedules through the programme platform and the congress mobile app, which will be available in the coming days. 

Water, water everywhere 

water-icon-green.pngBring your own reusable water bottle to refill at the water stations located throughout the congress centre.

Avoid traffic while you take the cleaner option 

metro-icon-green.pngSave time and reduce your impact on the environment by getting to the congress venue by public transport, the fastest, most cost-efficient and environmentally friendly option. 

If public transport is not a viable option for you, we encourage you to use low-emission vehicles.

Learn more about the various ways to reach the venue

Free tram tickets to the airport will be distributed to the delegates at the Registration desk, maximum one ticket per person.   

Leave a smaller footprint when you travel 

plane-icon-green.pngIf you must travel by plane, choose direct flights when possible to limit the carbon emissions, or travel by train, Florence train station is a national hub easily reachable by trains from the main cities in Italy.

Consult our transport page

Watts happening 

save-energy-icon-green.pngSave energy by turning off computers, laptops and other electronic devices when not in use. Recharge them only when needed. Turn off the AC and switch off the lights when leaving your hotel room. 

Eat with the planet in mind 

restaurant-icon-green.pngReduce your impact on the environment by choosing locally sourced and/or vegetarian food provided by our caterers. You are also encouraged to avoid single-use plastic cutlery, dishes and cups. 

Recycling made easy 

recycling-icon-green.pngUse the designated recycling bins throughout the congress centre to help us get your waste where it needs to go. 

Your badge holder and lanyard will live again 

badge-icon-green.pngRacks will be installed at the exit where you can deposit your badge holder and lanyard when you leave so they can be recycled. Whenever possible reuse your old lanyard. 

Reduce, reuse, recycle, review? 

review-icon-green.pngWe want to hear from you! Please share your thoughts and suggestions about how we did and how we can improve our sustainability efforts for future events. Please contact us at sustainability@escardio.org


The ESC and sustainability 

ESC Congress 2025-Sustainability-Green_200x200-GIF.gifAs a not-for-profit medical society, the ESC’s impact on the world is encompassed in its mission to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease. We understand we have an especially relevant calling when it comes to environmental sustainability, given its impact on cardiovascular health 

Environmental sustainability is one of the six strategic aims in the ESC Strategic Plan for 2023–2028. Each objective in the plan is designed to guide the ESC, and the wider cardiovascular healthcare community, through a dynamic and changing landscape over the next five years. 

The ESC Sustainability Focus Group has been created to foster sustainable congress practices and address the interconnected challenges of climate change. Our mission is to define a framework that promotes a resilient future for ESC congresses through interdisciplinary collaboration and innovative solutions.  

Sustainability is fundamental to our operations and aligns with our commitment to responsible event management. We proudly collaborate with partners dedicated to reducing their carbon footprint and embracing sustainable practices across four key pillars: Travel & accommodation, Production & waste, Food & food waste, and Energy. 


Sustainability engagement is included in our Requests for Proposals from event venues and suppliers. We work with partners engaged in limiting their carbon footprint and who have already adopted sustainable measures in their daily practice. Only by working in partnership within the events industry will we make significant steps forward to reach our key strategic aim of environmental sustainability.