Cardiovascular Round Table Plenary Sessions
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Conversations Between Experts

Cardiovascular Round Table

Online conversation between experts aims at enabling an open and informal exchange around a trending topic, offering our industry partners more opportunities to interact with ESC leadership.

  • Tuesday 26 September 2023
    26/09/2023 16:00 26/09/2023 18:00 Europe/Paris A conversation between experts on advocacy DD/MM/YYYY

    This discussion will present an overview of the ESC Advocacy strategy and a breakdown of the key targets to deliver sustainable funding to develop cardiovascular research, infrastructure and healthcare professionals. 

    This conversation between experts will be co-chaired by Profs. Donna Fitzsimons and Francesco Cosentino. 

  • Tuesday 27 June 2023
    27/06/2023 17:00 27/06/2023 18:00 Europe/Paris On-line conversation between experts on "Patient Empowerment" DD/MM/YYYY

    This “Patient Empowerment” edition will be co-chaired by:

    Prof. Lis Neubeck, with contribution from members from the Patient Forum.

    Prof. Thomas Luescher and Prof. Alexandra Goncalves (BMS).

  • Thursday 13 January 2022
    13/01/2022 17:00 13/01/2022 18:00 Europe/Paris Conversations between experts on digital health DD/MM/YYYY

    Chairpersons: Prof. Martin Cowie and Dr. Emma Svennberg, Moderator: Prof. Alexandra Goncalves