ESC Gender Task Force
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ESC Gender Task Force


The ESC intends to reinforce its commitment to providing gender-unbiased education, training, research, advocacy, and equal access to all ESC activities. The ESC Task Force on Gender oversees the implementation of the ESC Gender Policy addressing the systemic biases and institutional barriers that limit women's full, equal participation and representation in the ESC and more widely in cardiovascular medicine/science. The ESC is also committed to addressing the misperception of CVD in women, improving risk stratification, diagnosis and therapy from a gender perspective, and increasing women's representation in clinical trials.

Task Force Composition

Chairperson: Maria Rubini Gimenez, Valencia, Spain

Rubini-Gimenez-Maria-2020.png Associate Professor Rubini Gimenez is a researcher at the Spanish National Center for Cardiovascular Research in Madrid and Clinical Cardiology Practitioner at the Ascires Biomedical Group in Valencia. Her research focuses on cardiovascular gender disparities and preventive cardiology.
Over the last 12 years, Associate Professor Rubini Gimenez was actively involved in the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). As Chairperson of the 2024-2026 ESC Gender Task Force, she plans to support the comprehensive application of gender policy across ESC activities, foster networks and partnerships to strengthen capacity and ensure visibility for ESC gender initiatives. She is also committed to raising awareness, integrate sex- and gender-specific considerations into care, and advocate for greater representation of women in cardiovascular research.
See her profile and contributions on ESC 365.


  • Christian John Fielder Camm
  • Pisana Ferrari, Patient Forum representative
  • Alessia Gimelli
  • Victoria Johnson
  • Carolin Lerchenmüller
  • John McMurray
  • Amina Rakisheva
  • Antonia Sambola
  • Birgit Vogel


  • Barbara Casadei
  • Cecilia Linde
  • Roxanna Mehran
  • Stephan Windecker

Association representatives

  • Julia Grapsa, EACVI
  • Marta Izabela Kaluzna-Oleksy, EAPCI
  • Maryam Kavousi, EAPC
  • Brenda Moura, HFA
  • Julie Sanders, ACNAP
  • Emma Svennberg, EHRA
  • Agnieska Tycinska, ACVC