ESC Board
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European Society of Cardiology Board



The administration of the ESC is conducted by a Board composed of :

  • voting members who the Ordinary General Assembly elects in even-numbered years
  • ex-officio voting members
  • non-voting members proposed by the President and approved by the voting members
  • Chief Executive Officer and Chief Finance Officer, both non-voting members

As per Article 9 of ESC Statutes, the Board is invested with the power to execute, or authorise others to execute, all acts and operations of the ESC which are not reserved for the General Assembly. The Board approves ESC policies, procedures and Bylaws.



Elected voting members


Prof. Thomas F. Lüscher, UK/Switzerland 


Prof. Cecilia Linde, Sweden


Prof. Stephan Windecker, Switzerland


Dr. Carlos Aguiar, Portugal  

Prof. Christian Hassager, Denmark

Prof. Susanna Price, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – ESC Advocacy Committee Chair


Prof. Filippo Crea, Italy - ESC Publications Committee Chair

Prof. Stefan James, Sweden – ESC Data Science Committee Chair

Prof. Felix Mahfoud, Switzerland – ESC Communication Chair

Prof. Theresa McDonagh, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – ESC Education and Professional Development Committee Chair

Prof. Marco Roffi, Switzerland - ESC Membership Committee Chair & ESC DOI Committee Chair

Associate Prof. Maria Rubini Gimenez, Spain - ESC Gender Task Force Chair

Ex-Officio voting members


Prof. Franz Weidinger, Austria

Associations Representatives

Dr. Leonie Klompstra, Sweden - ACNAP Representative

Prof. Ingo Ahrens, Germany - ACVC Representative

Dr. Victoria Delgado, Spain - EACVI  Representative

Prof. Ana Abreu, Portugal - EAPC Representative

Prof. Alaide Chieffo, Italy - EAPCI Representative

Prof. Helmut Puererfellner, Austria - EHRA Representative

Prof. Marco Metra, Italy - HFA Representative

Non-voting members

Prof. Folkert Asselbergs, The Netherlands – ESC Digital Cardiology and Artificial Intelligence Committee Chair

Dr. Margarita Brida, Croatia - ESC Scientific Documents Committee Chair

Dr. Christian John Fielder Camm, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – ESC Young Cardiovascular Professionals Committee Chair

Prof. Tomasz Guzik, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – ESC Congress Programme Committee Chair

Prof. Hugo Katus, Germany – Think Tank on Innovation Chair

Prof. Ulf Landmesser, Germany - ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee Chair

Prof. Lis Neubeck, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – ESC Patient Forum Chair

Prof. Piotr Szymanski, Poland – ESC Regulatory Affairs Committee Chair

Advisors: to be appointed

ESC staff

Mr. Jean-François Riffaud, France - ESC Chief Executive Officer

Mrs. Nathalie Lefebvre, France - ESC Chief Financial Officer

Mrs. Marielle Bigolet, France - ESC Board Secretary


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View also the Management Group of the ESC