Governance defines the structure, the roles – including authority and responsibilities - as well as the processes that supports the decision-making. Aligned with the ESC Strategic Plan 2023-2028, there is a strong willingness to improve collaboration, fairness, trust and performance within the ESC as well as simplifying its organisation and structure. Maintaining and setting robust and clear governance rules, together with transparent decision-making processes is a necessity in this development. As such, the ESC Governance Task Force was put in place in 2023 to audit the current governance, identify gaps and elements that need improvements and propose recommendations to the ESC Board for implementation.
- Chairperson: Prof. Thomas F. Lüscher, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland/Switzerland
- Prof. Christian Hassager, Denmark
- Mrs Davida Johnson, Switzerland
- Prof. Michael Komajda, France
- Prof. Cecila Linde, Sweden
- Mr Jean-François Riffaud, France
- Mr Ghislain Daval, France