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Ethics Committee


The Ethics Committee has an advisory role and may be consulted by the Management Group or Board on specific issues. It will draw up an Ethical Conduct Policy and issue general recommendations on ethical principles of professional and scientific conduct related to the research or management of cardiovascular disease.

The Committee can deal with specific issues of professional or scientific misconduct of individual members or of any internal Constituent body of the ESC if it affects the ESC as an organisation and make recommendations to the Management Group or Board.

The ESC Ethics Committee shall conduct its activities in accordance with a Charter approved by the Board of the ESC. 

The Ethics Committee consists of eight members.

  1. All members of the Ethics Committee shall serve for a four-year term, renewable once. In order to achieve continuity, the four-year terms of the members will be organised to overlap by two-year periods.
  2. Five members are proposed by the Ethics Committee and approved by the ESC Management Group. One of these five members must represent Nurses and Allied Professionals. The terms of these members start and end in even years.
  3. The Management Group appoints three non-ESC members, after a proposal from the Ethics committee and consultation with the Audit Committee. Their terms will start and end in uneven years.
  4. The members of the Ethics Committee appoint a Chairperson from among themselves.

Volunteers in officer positions of the ESC cannot be members of the Ethics Committee. 

The Ethics Committee can report to the General Assembly at its annual meeting and, with approval of ESC Board, at any other time.


Hector Bueno, FESC, Spain


  • Peter Kearney, FESC, Ireland 
  • Tone Merete Norekval, FESC, Norway 
  • Maddalena Lettino, FESC,Italy 
  • Inez de Beaufort, The Netherlands 
  • Axel Verstrael, Belgium 
  • Nils Hoppe, Germany
  • 1 member to be appointed