Presentation of Dr Jyoti Patel, newly elected Scientists of Tomorrow Nucleus member
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Presentation of Dr Jyoti Patel, newly elected Scientists of Tomorrow Nucleus member

My name is Jyoti Patel and I am a new member of the Scientists of Tomorrow Nucleus. I am looking forward to being able to interact and contribute more widely within the European young research community in Cardiovascular Sciences through this group.

Career Pathway


I studied Biochemistry at Warwick University, which included a year placement in immunological research at the Health Protection Agency, UK. Following this, I undertook a PhD at Oxford University in Cardiovascular Medicine under the supervision of Prof. Keith Channon and Prof. David Greaves. My PhD investigated the role of a novel regulator of chemokine receptor signalling in macrophage biology and atherosclerosis. I have since continued to work in this area of leukocyte biology and cardiovascular inflammation, with my post-doctoral studies investigating leukocyte trafficking in aortic aneurysm formation and rupture. I have demonstrated that downstream G-protein regulation has a critical role in leukocyte chemotactic signalling, and modulates leukocyte accumulation in vascular inflammation (Patel et al, Nature Communications, 2015).

Current Research

I am currently a British Heart Foundation Centre of Research Excellence Intermediate Transition Fellow at Oxford University. My research is based around chemokine receptor regulation in inflammation and repair following myocardial infarction (MI) and how targeting this signalling may provide new approaches to modify post-MI injury and remodelling. By exploring the mechanisms that regulate leukocyte accumulation at inflammatory sites, we may be able to identify novel therapeutic targets in MI and heart failure.

Scientific and Public Engagement

I aspire to be a leading academic in the field of inflammation and Cardiovascular Science. Being a Scientist of Tomorrow nucleus member will enable me to share new ideas and form links with young investigators in the European Society of Cardiology and promote cardiovascular scientists in training. In addition to my research, I mentor junior post-doctoral scientists in my department as part of a mentoring scheme, and am actively involved in public engagement with a UK national public outreach platform called Soapbox Science, which encourages women scientists to disseminate their work at public events for learning and scientific debate.