Young ACVC Community
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Young Acute Cardiovascular Care Community

The Community

The Association for Acute CardioVascular Care (ACVC) recognises the potential and importance of future specialists in acute cardiovascular care and therefore aims to provide them with as much support as possible.

This community is designed for all healthcare professionals active in the field of acute cardiovascular care who are under the age of 40.

We want to share knowledge and skills among young generations, to spread the mission.


Johannes_Grand.jpgJohannes Grand, Young Community Chair 2024-2026

Maria Stratinaki.jpgMaria Stratinaki, Young Community Co-Chair 2024-2026


Why a young community?

The next generation of experts in the field of acute cardiovascular care will, undoubtedly, shape the future of research, education and training in a way we have never seen before.

As the subspecialty grows, and increasingly becomes an exciting area where the most challenging developments in cardiology emerge, development of a highly structured, inclusive and empowered young community is vital.

ACVC is committed to building a thriving network that not only provides real opportunities for young members to work alongside key opinion leaders in the field, but also in using their knowledge and expertise in shaping the future of the specialty, to the benefit of our patients across the whole of Europe and beyond.


  • Promote excellence in acute cardiovascular care
  • Introduce cardiologists to the potential and the opportunities within the subspecialty
  • Support acute cardiac care cardiologists in their career development
  • Encourage and facilitate networking

The Young Members will be asked to contribute

  • Encourage participation of his/her peers in the ACVC initiatives, congress and education opportunities
  • Promote active involvement in educational projects through close collaboration with your network
  • Encourage his/her peers to become ACVC members, provide more visibility to young researchers and increase their interaction with experts


There are many reasons to join

  • Get in touch with experienced specialists in the field
  • Become eligible to work within the Association's projects
  • Collaborate with existing groups of young cardiologists and network with your peers
  • Take advantage of great benefits and discounts included in the membership and educational offers
  • Be part of your family of specialists
  • Privileged access to the ACVC Board
  • Opportunities to present a clinical case in an oral session at the annual congress
  • Opportunities to submit a project to the ACVC Board and get support
  • Career opportunities
  • Provide content for ACVC bulletins and AcuteCVDays


  • All healthcare professionals
  • Under 40 years old
  • ACVC Silver Membership

 You can make a difference!    Apply

Young community August 2019.jpgYoung community March 2019.jpgYNA 2018- 2 .jpgACVC Young 2023_1500x1000.png