Heart Failure Association of the ESC Winter Meeting on Translational Heart Failure Research
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HFA Winter Research Meeting on Translational Heart Failure Research

In collaboration with the ESC Working Group on Myocardial Function

20/01/2025 15:00 22/01/2025 14:00 Europe/Paris HFA Winter Research Meeting on Translational Heart Failure Research

The HFA Winter Research Meeting 2025, will take place in Vienna, Austria, on 20-22 January 2025.

The call for abstracts will open from August to 15 October 2024.

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Heart Failure


The leading meeting for basic and translational heart failure science in Europe.


The HFA Winter Research Meeting 2025 will take place in Vienna, Austria, on 20-22 January 2025.

The call for abstracts is now closed.


Carlo-Gabriele-Tocchetti.jpg"The HFA Winter Meeting has been a long-standing tradition and has emerged as the best basic and translational heart failure meeting in Europe. The tradition started in 1983, initiated by Professor Dirk Brutsaert (founding president of the Heart Failure Association of the ESC, 2004–2006), the first official meeting was chaired by Sir James Whyte Black, who developed the first b-blockers and was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1988. The format is usually composed of formal lectures from the invited faculty, and poster presentations from selected abstracts, with interactions at lunch, dinners and free time.
As participation is reserved for active presenters only, this is a very interactive meeting with a lot of room for fruitful discussions, scientific bootcamps, and opportunities for new stimulating collaborations. The presence of scientists with different scientific backgrounds makes this meeting a huge opportunity for brainstorming and thinking outside the box, with novel visions and concepts and therapeutic targets for HF discussed and the possibilities of translation into the clinical arena. Participants will hear the most novel scientific advancements on the topic of heart failure."

Prof. Carlo Gabriele Tocchetti

HFA Board Member and Course Director, HFA Winter Meeting

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Call for abstracts

The call for abstracts is now closed.

The abstracts accepted and presented during the meeting will be published in an online abstract supplement of the European Journal of Heart Failure (Impact Factor 2023: 18.174); they will also have the possibility to be presented at Heart Failure 2025 with a free registration (May 2025, Belgrade) and thereafter published on ESC 365.

This is your chance to be acknowledged by your community:

  • Guido Tarone award €1,000
  • Young Investigator Award (YIA) 700€ and runners-up 400€

Access the Abstract submission Rules and Guidelines 


This meeting is supported by Bayer AG in the form of an unrestricted financial support. The scientific programme has not been influenced in any way by its sponsor.


Previous meetings

2024 Abstract Book

Previous HFA Winter Meetings 

Winners of HFA Winter Meeting awards