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European survey of cardiovascular disease prevention and diabetes

Diabetes and the Heart
Risk Factors and Prevention


The results of EUROASPIRE I, II, III and IV surveys demonstrated a high prevalence of unhealthy lifestyles, modifiable risk factors and inadequate use of drug therapies to achieve blood pressure and lipid goals in patients with established CHD and people at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease. There were wide variations in medical practice between countries in the treatment of these patients.

A fifth EUROASPIRE survey of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Diabetes is now proposed, which will merge with the EuroHeart Survey on Diabetes Mellitus and incorporate an assessment of dysglycaemia (impaired fasting glycaemia IFG, impaired glucose tolerance IGT and new diabetes) in all patients.

Objectives and Characteristics

To give a unique European picture of prevention action by cardiologists, other specialists and primary care physicians looking after patients with coronary disease.

  • To determine whether the European guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention are being followed: in patients with established CHD (acute myocardial infarction and ischaemia patients following revascularisation by angioplasty or coronary artery surgery); in individuals with high multifactorial risk. 
  • To determine whether:
    • the practice of prevention cardiology in patients with established coronary disease in EUROASPIRE V has improved in comparison with those hospital centres that took part in EUROASPIRE I, II,III and IV;
    • the practice of prevention cardiology in patients in primary care at high risk of developing CVD in EUROASPIRE V has improved by comparison with those centres that took part in EUROASPIRE III and IV.
  • A comparison of diagnostic and therapeutic strategies in patients with established coronary disease, and those at high multifactorial risk of developing CVD:
    • in relation to glucose metabolism (impaired fasting glycaemia, impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes).
    • in relation to chronic kidney disease (CKD).
  • To follow up patients from EUROASPIRE I, II, III and IV for total and cause-specific mortality and morbidity to determine the relationships between risk factors measured at interview and event-free survival.
  • The identification of strategies for improving prevention care, based on the EUROASPIRE survey results from hospitals and general practice, and to make recommendations to the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation.

As in the previous EUROASPIRE surveys, this survey focuses on:

  • hospital patients with coronary heart disease, with and without diabetes mellitus.
  • apparently healthy individuals in primary care at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease, including those with diabetes.

The EUROASPIRE V Hospital Arm focus moreover on:

  • Glucose metabolism
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Medication adherence
  • Combination therapies
  • Statin intolerance
  • Familial dyslipidaemia


There are numerous publications to read following the EUROASPIRE registry results over the years (I, II, III and IV) and there will be more to come. 

Study Organisation

The Scientific Steering Committee, chaired by Doctor Kornelia Kotseva, is composed of the Executive Committee, the National Coordinators of participating countries and with Professor David Wood as Principal Investigator of the registry.

The Executive Committee of the survey is chaired by Professor Guy De Backer.





Executive Committee

Guy De Backer, Chairperson Executive Committee, BE
Kornelia Kotseva, Chairperson Steering Committee, Co-ordinating centre, UK
David Wood, Principal Investigator, Co-ordinating centre, UK
Dirk De Bacquer, Lead statistician, Statistical centre, BE
Lars Rydén, Diabetes centre, SE
Arno W. Hoes, ESC Council of Primary Care, NL
Diederick E Grobbee, EACPR, NL
Pedro Marques-Vidal, EACPR, CH
Aldo Maggioni, EORP  Scientific coordinator (ex officio), IT

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