Diastolic Function
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Diastolic Function

EAE Key Reference Library: Stress Echocardiography


Key References

Left ventricular diastolic functional reserve during exercise in patients with impaired myocardial relaxation at rest

Ha JW, Choi D, Park S, Choi EY, Shim CY, Kim JM, Ahn JA, Lee SW, Oh JK, Chung N
Diastolic stress echocardiography has been applied in several clinical settings, including patients with normal systolic function and with myocardial diastolic relaxation at rest.
Reference: Heart 2009; 95:399-404

Usefulness of the evaluation of left ventricular diastolic function changes during stress echocardiography in predicting exercise capacity in patients with ischemic heart failure

Podolec P, Rubis P, Tomkiewicz-Pajak L, Kopec G, Tracz W
Diastolic stress echocardiography has been applied in several clinical settings, including patients with normal systolic function and patients with ischemic heart disease.
Reference: J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2008; 21:834-40

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