Preventive Cardiology Textbooks
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Preventive Cardiology Textbooks

ESC Handbook of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation
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ESC Handbook of Preventive Cardiology
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ESC Textbook of Preventive Cardiology
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The ESC Textbook of Sports Cardiology
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The ESC Textbook of Sports Cardiology

Edited by Antonio Pelliccia, Hein Heidbuchel, Domenico Corrado, Mats Borjesson, and Sanjay Sharma.

  • Provides an overview of the detection and treatment of cardiovascular disease in elite athletes and young sports professionals in training and how to prevent it.
  • Split into 11 key areas in sports cardiology, ranging from sudden cardiac death in athletes, to cardiovascular effects of substance abuse and doping.
  • Contains to ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines and EAPC recommendations and position papers.
  • Highly illustrated with embedded videos.
  • Contains cross-referenced links to related content and primary research data in major journals in the field.
  • Access to the digital version of the textbook for five years is included with the purchase of the print.

The ESC Textbook of Sports Cardiology.jpgSports and exercise have been intensely advocated as protective lifestyle measures which prevent or reduce the risk of severe health issues, including cardiovascular disease. More extreme forms of sports (for instance at high altitudes) have been identified as an important way of promoting cardiovascular adaptation, but have also been associated with adverse effects and even major cardiovascular events in predisposed individuals. Participating in more commonplace sports and exercise, such as football, may also increase a person's risk of cardiac events. This publication is timely in the light of a burgeoning number of clinical papers in the field.

The ESC Textbook of Sports Cardiology provides an overview of the detection and treatment of cardiovascular disease in elite athletes and young sports professionals in training, as well as prevention. It will be useful for clinical cardiologists, sports physicians, and general physicians alike. Split into 11 key areas in sports cardiology, ranging from sudden cardiac death in athletes to the most common cardiovascular abnormalities seen in athletes, and to the effects of substance abuse and doping, the text is an invaluable resource covering all aspects of sports cardiology.

Access to the digital version of the textbook is included with purchase of the printed version. Highly illustrated with embedded multimedia features, together with cross-referenced links to related content and primary research data in major journals in the field, the digital version provides users with a dynamic and forward-thinking resource.

The ESC Textbook of Sports Cardiology is the second textbook from the European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC) and aligns with ESC clinical practice guidelines and EAPC recommendations and position papers.

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ESC Textbook of Preventive Cardiology

Edited by Stephan Gielen, Guy De Backer, Massimo Piepoli, and David Wood.

  • Official textbook of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology
  • State of the art resource for both the primary and secondary prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
  • Comprehensive, practical and extensively linked to practice guidelines and recommendations from the European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC)
  • Covers a range of topics from epidemiology and risk stratification through psychological factors, behaviour and motivation to secondary prevention, integrating hospital-based and community care for cardiovascular disease prevention and information on cardioprotective drugs


Covering both principles and practice, The ESC Textbook of Preventive Cardiology is a 'state of the art' resource for both the primary and secondary prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Comprehensive, practical and extensively linked to practice guidelines and recommendations from the European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC), it clearly connects the latest evidence base to strategies and proposals for the implementation of prevention in clinical practice.

With a strong clinical focus the topics covered range from epidemiology and risk stratification through psychological factors, behaviour and motivation to secondary prevention, integrating hospital-based and community care for cardiovascular disease prevention and information on cardioprotective drugs. Case studies, clinical decision-making trees and drug tables with recommended doses and potential side-effects make it easier than ever to implement treatments in practice.

Drawing together current knowledge and evidence, and examining all aspects of preventive cardiology in one succinct volume, The ESC Textbook of Preventive Cardiology is the ideal guide for the physician and allied health professional working to prevent and treat cardiovascular disease in their daily practice.

Readership: Specialist cardiologists, general physicians, specialist nurses and allied health professionals.

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Latest online updates 

The ESC Textbook of Preventive Cardiology digital version has been comprehensively reviewed for 2016/17.
Chapters have been updated to include the latest information on guidelines and practice in preventive cardiology. Terminology has been amended where relevant, references have been updated throughout the work, and new downloadable figures and tables have been added to enhance this comprehensive online textbook.

All chapters have been reviewed for the need to update and substantial amendments have been made to the following:

  • Chapter 7 Primary prevention: principles and practice
  • Chapter 10 Smoking
  • Chapter 16 Glucose intolerance and diabetes
  • Chapter 18 Psychosocial factors in the prevention of cardiovascular disease
  • Chapter 19 Cardioprotective drugs
  • Chapter 23 Ambulatory preventive care: outpatient clinics and primary care

With each update, a short explanation gives the key aspects of the updated content. Please use your unique access codes to review the latest content on the digital platform.

ESC Handbook of Preventive Cardiology

Edited by Catriona Jennings, Ian Graham, and Stephan Gielen.

  • A 'how-to' manual for busy healthcare professionals based on the Oxford Care Manual of Preventive Cardiology
  • Complements the Joint European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention and is in line with recommendations from the European Association of Preventive Cardiology
  • Guides readers through the patient and family pathway - from patient identification, recruitment of the patient and family, assessing lifestyle and risk factors, to managing lifestyle change, reducing risk factors, and compliance with cardioprotective drug therapies
  • Includes a year's online access on Oxford Medicine Online

The ESC Handbook of Preventive Cardiology is a 'how-to' manual for busy healthcare professionals. Complementing the 2012 Joint European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention and in line with recommendations from the European Association of Preventive Cardiology, it is an invaluable source of tools and skills to assist with the delivery of effective cardiovascular disease prevention.

While acknowledging that cardiovascular disease prevention efforts must be complemented by societal and community-based strategies, this handbook focuses on practical strategies that can be used in clinical settings. Concise and easily accessible, it guides readers through the patient and family pathway - from patient identification, recruitment of the patient and family, assessing lifestyle and risk factors, to managing lifestyle change, reducing risk factors, and compliance with cardioprotective drug therapies. Information on how to deliver a health promotion workshop programme and run a supervised exercise programme is also included.

Previously published as Preventive Cardiology: A practical manual and now fully revised and updated and packed with checklists and diagrams, such as risk estimation charts, The ESC Handbook of Preventive Cardiology helps health workers contribute in real and practical ways to the prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.

This print edition of The ESC Handbook of Preventive Cardiology, Putting Prevention into Practice comes with access to the online version of Oxford Medicine Online, for as long as the edition is published by Oxford University Press. By activating your unique access code, you can read and annotate the full text online, follow links from the references to primary research materials, and view, enlarge and download all the figures and tables.

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ESC Handbook of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation

Edited by Ana Abreu, Jean-Paul Schmid and Massimo Piepoli.


  • Key tool for those who are planning to start a cardiovascular rehabilitation programme, want to improve an ongoing programme, or just would like to know more about cardiovascular rehabilitation
  • The work is supported by the latest scientific evidence and written by experts across Europe
  • There are 21 chapters in the handbook, all structured to provide you with the latest in modern multidisciplinary cardiovascular rehabilitation
  • The handbook will appeal not only to cardiologists, but to physicians involved in cardiovascular prevention and in clinical practice in general
  • The ESC Handbook of Cardiac Rehabilitation is a great addition to the staple of European Society of Cardiology textbooks and handbooks already published
  • Free chapter: Evidence for cardiac rehabilitation in the modern era

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