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Acute Cardiovascular Care Textbook

ESC Textbook of Intensive and Acute Cardiovascular Care (3rd edn.)

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a major cause of premature death worldwide and a cause of loss of disability-adjusted life years. For most types of CVD, early diagnosis and intervention are independent drivers of patient outcome. Clinicians must be properly trained and centres appropriately equipped in order to deal with these critically ill cardiac patients.

The ESC Textbook of Intensive and Acute Cardiovascular Care (IACC) is a key reference for education, serving the needs of all professionals involved in the management of patients with acute cardiovascular care diseases.

The third edition - March 2021


This third edition continues to comprehensively approach all the different issues relating to intensive and acute cardiovascular care and addresses all those involved in intensive and acute cardiac care, not only cardiologists but also critical care specialists, emergency physicians and healthcare professionals. The chapters cover the various acute cardiovascular diseases that need high quality intensive treatment as well as organisational issues, cooperation among professionals, and interaction with other specialities in medicine.

Print version

Free chapter: “Pacemaker and ICDs: troubleshooting"