About ACNAP Congress
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About the Congress

ACNAP 2025, Sophia Antipolis (France), 12 - 14 June

A truly international congress to discover and share the latest science from across all core specialties within cardiology. 

The ACNAP Congress is organised by the Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions.

A truly international congress to discover and share the latest science from across all core specialties within cardiology. 


We are proud to announce that ACNAP 2025 will be held in The European Heart House.

mec-photo.jpgThis is the centre of the ESC and ideally located in the natural surroundings on the French Riviera.

ACNAP 2025 will start with a half day of workshops, followed with two days of scientific sessions. 







The theme of ACNAP 2025 is:  Transforming Healthcare for a Sustainable Future.   

Applaude-happy-audience-ACNAP-2025.pngBy incorporating discussions on climate change and environmental sustainability, this years’ theme underscores the importance of proactive leadership in shaping the future of healthcare to ensure the well-being of both individuals and the planet.

Nurses and allied professionals, as leaders in patient care and advocacy, are at the forefront of driving change in healthcare.




Roundtable-ACNAP-2025.pngACNAP annual congress aims to bring together professionals who provide direct patient care, most closely to the patients.

Some with prescribing and commissioning skills, chief nurses, directors of cardiovascular centres who are responsible for implementing policy, and researchers who shape the future of practice through novel and high-quality evidence. 




Audience-listening-ACNAP-2025.pngACNAP 2025 will address the complex challenges of an ageing population, multimorbidity, patient-centred care, digital health, precision medicine, shared decision-making, and patient-reported outcomes and experiences.

The programme will emphasize the crucial role of the integration of preventive approaches, lifestyle intervention, models of care, multidisciplinary perspectives, integrated care in shaping a sustainable future for healthcare systems.


Speaker-with-Delegates-ACNAP-2024-1500x1000.pngWe encourage you to share your latest scientific findings and create even more networking opportunities.

All of us at the Association of Cardiovascular Nurses and Allied Professions are looking forward to seeing you at the European Heart House.






With our warm wishes, 

Leonie Klompstra, FESC 
ACNAP President 2024–2026 

Julie Sanders, FESC 
ACNAP President-Elect 2024–2026 

Izabella Uchmanowich, FESC, FHFA
ACNAP Past President 2024–2026

Eleni Kletsiou
ACNAP Congress Programme Committee Chair 2024–2026


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