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ESC Working Group on Thrombosis

Platelets and coagulation factors have diverse roles in many cardiovascular diseases and basic and clinical research in this area has led to marked improvements in clinical outcomes such as in patients with atherothrombotic events or atrial fibrillation. The pathways involved in thrombosis and haemostasis also play important roles in vascular inflammation and wound healing. The evolving complexities of the science and available treatments for management and prevention of thrombosis, as well as the requirements for yet more effective treatments, drive the need for ongoing dissemination of knowledge and development of consensus amongst both practising physicians and research scientists.

It is this need that the ESC Working Group on Thrombosis aims to meet.

Our Working Group was featured in the July 2023 edition of CardioPulse in the European Heart Journal. Read about how our Working Group contributes to promoting research, education, and best clinical practice in the field of thrombosis and haemostasis.

Aims and Activities

  • Enhance knowledge of thrombosis in clinical cardiology in Europe.
  • Stimulate postgraduate education in thrombosis both at the European Congress of Cardiology and beyond.
  • Stimulate clinical research in thrombosis in clinical cardiology in Europe, to be performed preferably by young investigators.
  • Stimulate basic research on thrombosis in order to increase our knowledge on the pathophysiology to initiate the development of new preventive and therapeutic tools.
  • Bridge basic science in these areas with the clinical practice of Cardiology.
  • Produce consensus in order to influence current clinical practice of Cardiology in Europe with regard to drugs or treatments intervening on vascular biology and blood vessel-wall interactions".

The Working Group on Thrombosis was established in the ‘60s, in the process of the general current shaping of the European Society of Cardiology. Constituent bodies of the Society are National Societies, from various affiliated countries, and Working Groups. These were intended, and still are, mostly, as the “scientific motor” of the Society, collecting active scientists in the cardiovascular area from whatever country in Europe around common themes.

The history of a Working Group on Thrombosis, one of the original Working Groups of the Society, is therefore a history of the interaction of persons from different origin, and often from quite different background, organising the scientific activities of the Society in this area of knowledge at the best of their intelligence and drive. At the beginning, this was mostly the Congress, but more and more, in recent years, the Working Group has expanded its scope through initiatives, many of which ongoing, who continue far beyond the organisation of scientific sessions at the yearly venue.

It is the impression of the writer that this task of compiling impressions and memories by those who led the process in their time is not futile, and serves the purpose of constituting the pedestal, a solid one, on which we now stand. Overall – and again this is a personal impression of the writer – they give the idea of a highly active and dynamic body. A practical consequence, and possibly the most important achievement in this process, was to cement solid relationships of personal esteem, and often true friendship, among people from different European cultures and backgrounds. This has been an incredible thrill for most of us, and served the immensely valuable goal of cementing a true “European” spirit.

Nucleus 2024-2026


Diana A Gorog, FESC, UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


Bruna Gigante, FESC, Sweden


Andrea Rubboli, FESC, Italy


Jose Luis Ferreiro, Spain


 Gianluca Campo, Italy


Christina Christersson, FESC, Sweden

Nucleus Members

  • Dan Atar, FESC, Norway
  • Tobias Geisler, FESC, Germany
  • Eliano Pio Navarese, FESC, Italy
  • Christoph Olivier, Germany
  • Vincenzo Toschi, Italy
  • Dario Bongiovanni*, Germany
  • Sigrun Halvorsen*, FESC, Norway, Representative of the Association for Acute CardioVascular Care (ACVC)
  • Gregory Y H Lip*, FESC, UK, Representative of Council on Stroke
  • Gemma Vilahur*, FESC, Spain, Representative of the WG on Atherosclerosis and Vascular Biology (AVB)

*non-voting members

Publications by Nucleus Members

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Nucleus History

Past Chairpersons Mandate
Mireille Brochier – view contribution Chairperson 1988-1990
Colin RM Prentice Chairperson 1990-1992
Freek W. A. Verheugt – view contribution Chairperson 1992-1994
Carlo Patrono – view contribution Chairperson 1994-1996
John F. Martin – view contribution Chairperson 1996-1998
Desmond Fitzgerald – view contribution Chairperson 1998-2000
Raffaele De Caterina – view contribution Chairperson 2000-2002
Lina Badimon Chairperson 2002-2004
Steen Dalby Kristensen Chairperson 2004-2006
Kurt Huber – view contribution Chairperson 2006-2008
Felicita Andreotti Chairperson 2008-2010
Dietrich Gulba Chairperson 2010-2012
Robert F. Storey Chairperson 2012-2014
Joao Morais Chairperson 2014-2016
Bianca Rocca Chairperson 2016-2018
Dirk Sibbing Chairperson 2018-2020
Gemma Vilahur Garcia Chairperson 2020-2022
Andrea Rubboli Chairperson 2022-2024

In Memoriam

Steen Elkjaer Husted, MD, FESC, 1950-2016