Cellular Biology and Function of the Heart meeting (CBFH)
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Cellular Biology and Function of the Heart meeting (CBFH)

Biennial meeting

26/11/2025 00:00 28/11/2025 00:00 Europe/Paris Cellular Biology and Function of the Heart meeting (CBFH)

The joint meeting of Working Groups on Myocardial Function and Cellular Biology of the Heart has become a traditional meeting presenting the cutting-edge of scientific outcomes in dedicated fields.

Held in the historic and vibrant Italian city of Naples, the meeting offers the opportunity to network and allows scientific exchanges in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, between early career researchers and outstanding international speakers.

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Cardiac Biology and Physiology


The ESC Working Groups on Myocardial Function and Cellular Biology of the Heart are pleased to announce that their biennial joint meeting is back and will be held in the fantastic venue of Naples in November 2025.



The Cellular Biology and Function of the Heart (CBFH) meeting, held every two years, has become a tradition, presenting cutting-edge scientific outcomes in cardiovascular basic and translational science and attracting the most talented and promising early career researchers. Delegates enjoy unique opportunities to interact with established scientists from around Europe.

Importantly, a large place has been given to young researchers to share and exchange their scientific outcomes with international experts in the field.

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