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ESC Working Group on Development, Anatomy & Pathology

Our Working Group traditionally brings together basic scientist and clinicians with a various background, including molecular and developmental biologists, pathologists, morphologists, geneticists and cardiologists. The multidisciplinary structure represents the ideal way to approach cardiovascular diseases, either congenital or acquired.   

Our goal is to attract young people to the research in the fields of cardiovascular development, anatomy and pathology, with particular attention on molecular and genetic developmental mechanisms.
At the same time, we would promote the irreplaceable value of the clinic-pathologic correlation method, which is becoming even more important in the era of advanced clinical imaging and interventional procedures.

In this perspective, joint ventures for research projects, position papers and scientific meetings or symposia with other ESC working groups will be pursued. The well attended Cardiac Anatomy and Pathology Live Sessions at every annual congress of the ESC as well as at our WG meetings are the best attestation of the educational value of our activities.

Our main mission will be to continue to promote inside the ESC the basic cardiovascular research and education with a translational approach.


  • To promote and organise research and education in the fields of cardiovascular development, anatomy and pathology, with underlying molecular and genetic developmental mechanisms with a translational approach
  • To gather and exchange information regarding research and related activities within the Working Group and with other Working groups or individuals inside the ESC community
  • To promote the clinic-pathologic correlation method, which is becoming even more important in the era of advanced clinical imaging and interventional procedures.
  • To design and coordinate scientific research in the aforementioned fields of its own interest


  • To contribute to the organization and preparation of the Annual ESC Congress, and to participate and support other scientific meetings and symposia
  • To contribute to the educational activities of the Council on Basic Cardiovascular Science, including the Basic science summer schools and the Frontiers in CardioVascular Biology meeting
  • To establish appropriate recommendations for the ESC regarding the aforementioned fields of its own interest
  • To organize Teaching Workshops on suitable topics
  • To support the Cardiac Anatomy and Pathology Live Sessions at the annual congress of the ESC, in collaboration with the Association for European Cardiovascular Pathology (AECVP)
  • To arrange Task Forces to discuss issues of contemporary importance to the Working Group and publish appropriate guidelines and recommendations
  • To hold regular meetings of the Working Group

Topics: Anatomy of the developing heart, mechanisms of heart development, pathology of and molecular causes of congenital heart defects

Nucleus 2024-2026


Antonio Baldini, Italy


David Sedmera, Czechia


Bill Chaudhry, UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


Adrian Ruiz-Villalba, Spain


Anke Smits, Netherlands (The)


Joaquim Miguel Nunes Vieira, UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Nucleus Members

  • Marina Campione Italy
  • Marc-Phillip Hitz, Germany*
  • Lucile Houyel, France*
  • Monique Jongbloed, FESC, Netherlands (The)*
  • Lucile Miquerol, France*
  • Melanie Philipp, Germany*

*non-voting members