About the ESC Working Group on Cardiovascular Surgery
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ESC Working Group on Cardiovascular Surgery

The rapid evolution of the new transcatheter technologies represents a unique opportunity to tailor the therapeutic treatment to the specific patient’conditions. The ESC Working Group on Cardiovascular Surgery is devoting all its efforts to enhance the interaction between the cardiac surgery and the cardiology communities in order to promote a systematic “heart team approach” which is the most effective way to deliver a really “patient centered” care.

Aims and Activities


  • To improve communication between cardiology and cardiovascular surgery in scientific as well as clinical affairs
  • To build up a forum for discussion of relevant topics in cardiovascular surgery
  • To provide educational activities for ongoing cardiological as well as surgical trainees
  • To collaborate in the preparation of consensus documents in the border zone between surgery and cardiology (e.g. heart failure)


The ESC working group on Cardiovascular Surgery is dedicated:

  • To increase the interdisciplinary cooperation between cardiologists and surgeons and promote the “Heart Team” approach.
  • To represent the view and perspective of the surgical community in the annual ESC Congress as well as in other ESC Meetings.
  • To promote the preparation of joint position papers with other ESC working groups.
  • To prepare survey, meta-analysis and review documents on specific controversial topics.
  • To support ESC in Guidelines Committees.
  • To promote meetings, activities and events with teaching and educational purposes.

Related organisations

  • French Society of Thoracic and Cardio-Vascular Surgery
  • European Society of CardioVascular Surgery (ESCVS)
    The ESCVS is the oldest European Society devoted to cardiac and vascular surgery since 1951, represented by about 1500 Cardiac, Vascular and Endovascular Surgeons. The main objects of the Society are to advance education in the field of cardio-vascular and endovascular surgery, to promote research for the public benefit and to correlate and disseminate the useful results thereof.
  • American Association for Thoracic Surgery (AATS)
    Founded in 1917 by the earliest pioneers in the field of thoracic surgery, the American Association for Thoracic Surgery (AATS) is now an international organization of over 1,200 of the world’s foremost cardiothoracic surgeons representing 35 countries.

Nucleus 2024-2026


Roberto Lorusso, FESC, Netherlands (The)


Sigrid Sandner, Austria


Nikolaos Bonaros, FESC, Austria


 Edoardo Zancanaro, Italy


Can Gollmann-Tepekoylu, Austria


Roman Gottardi, Austria

Committee members

  • Angel Luis Fernandez Gonzalez, Spain
  • Antonio Miceli, Italy
  • Massimo Padalino, FESC, Italy
  • Alessandro Parolari, Italy
  • Cristiano Spadaccio, UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  • Andreas Voetsch, Austria
  • Cinzia Perrino, FESC, Italy, Representative of the WG on Cellular Biology of the Heart (CBH)*
  • Hannah Schaubroeck, Belgium, Representative of the Association for Acute CardioVascular Care (ACVC)*
  • Roland van Kimmenade, Netherlands (The), Representative of the WG on Aorta and Peripheral Vascular Diseases (APVD)*

*non-voting members