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Editorial - February 2024

ESC Working Group on Atherosclerosis & Vascular Biology

Atherosclerosis, Cerebrovascular Diseases, Aneurysm, Restenosis
Diseases of the Aorta
Valvular Heart Disease
Vascular Diseases
Diseases of the Aorta, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Stroke

Dear members of the ESC Working Group (WG) on Atherosclerosis and Vascular Biology, 

Hope you have had a great start of 2024! 

Many activities have been going on - for instance, PhD dissertations in the Department of Pharmacological and Biomolecular Sciences (DiSFeB), where Prof Elena Osto, who’s now in Austria, evaluated Prof Danilo Norate’s students in Italy, providing  important knowledge exchanges for our topic in Europe (photo below). 

Edito AVB Feb.jpg











Very important!! We have now finally launched our LinkedIn group #AtheroMatters ! Its activity has been a bit quiet so far, but we really hope everyone will start engaging in it and interacting more and more. Please let us know if you bump into any struggles regarding that and do not hesitate to spread the word and advertise it further! 

When Spring arrives, it will be time for not only flowers, but also for Frontiers in CardioVascular Biomedicine 2024, due to take place from Friday, 12 April to Sunday, 14 April in beautiful Amsterdam. We hope to meet you there!

There are always opportunities for younger colleagues too, for instance how about an exciting post doc in Leiden, the Netherlands, about "Mast cells as effectors in hemorrhage and acute cardiovascular diseases", if you are looking for new adventures? 

Your ESC Working Group members have also selected some interesting reading material for you to read. 

Recommended readings

This newsletter is for YOU, so if you want to recommend papers, conferences, jobs, etc.. feel free to send this content to Isabel Goncalves or Esther Lutgens subject: WG Atherosclerosis Vascular Biology.  You may find our contact details on our working group page.

We hope to hear from you soon! 
Isabel and Esther 
On behalf of the communication team of the Working Group on Atherosclerosis and Vascular Biology