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Fellowship – Your Questions Answered

Browse our most Frequently Asked Question section to find the answers you are looking for

Can I become a FESC?

All professionals having a genuine interest in the discipline of Cardiology and showing dedication to the ESC and its activities can apply for the ESC Fellowship. The candidate must prove scientific or clinical excellence in cardiology or nursing excellence.

How do I apply for the ESC Fellowship?

A candidate should submit an application online on the ESC website before 30 September 2024.

What are the application requirements?

All requirements can be found here

When should I submit my application for the ESC Fellowship?

The application procedure is available online from 15 June to 30 September. The applicant must submit the application online before the annual deadline: 30 September. 

If I submit an application, am I automatically a FESC?

No, applications are evaluated by the FESC Task Force. Therefore, documentation such as copies of academic or National Cardiology Diplomas, publications, supporting letters, and CV are required. The candidate is informed about the application status (elected or rejected) by the Fellowship Department in December (year N).  Your ESC Fellowship and benefits will be activated once the annual due fee has been paid.

I submitted my application to become a FESC, when will I be notified?

Applications are evaluated by the FESC Task Force in October (Year N). The result of the evaluation of the application is notified in December by email (Year N).

How much is the annual Fellowship fee?

The annual Fellowship fee is 450 Euros. 

When do I have to pay?

The yearly Fellowship fee is 450 Euros, and covers the period from 1 January to 31 December (year N+1).

Newly elected FESC receive the request for payment in December (year N). The request for payment is mailed and the payment must be received before 30 December (Year N) to ensure the delivery of the selected Journal early January (year N + 1).

Payment should be preferably made online here.

Therefore, once paid, new Fellows start to benefit from the Fellows privileges.

What are the FESC Privileges included in the fee?

All FESC benefits can be found here.

I have been elected FESC this year, where can I collect my Fellowship Certificate?

The Fellowship Certificate is available in digital version in your My ESC account.

Printed copies can be collected in the FESC lounge at the ESC congress.

I cannot find the contact details of a FESC in the Fellows Directory

The European Society of Cardiology fully complies with the French Laws represented by CNIL (Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés) and European authorities regulations related to personal data protection. FESC that did not submit their agreement do not have their contact details published in the Fellows Directory online.

I do not have access to the FESC services online

Please check that your Fesc fee is settled, if yes and you still do not have access please contact us (Select Membership & Fellowship/Fellowship/Member benefits access). 

I have forgotten my account details

Click here, enter your email address, and if the email matches the one held for you in our system, you will be sent an email prompting you to reset your password.
Or please contact us (select My ESC Account Management/Login/access issue).

How can I register to the ESC Congress?

FESC up to date with their fees can attend ESC Congress free of charge but must still register to attend. Register as a FESC online here.

What are the conditions to becoming an EFESC (Emeritus FESC)?

The status of Emeritus Fellow is conferred by the FESC Task Force upon written request of the Fellow when he/she reaches minimum age of 60 years, and retires from full-time work. Proof of retirement must be provided to the Fellowship Department.

I need to contact the ESC regarding another request or enquiry

Please click here to access the Contact Us