Information for Fellows of the ESC
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Benefits and services for ESC Fellows

Your privileges and rewards, your community, your questions answered

Being a FESC

ESC Congress 2019

Being a FESC is not only about being recognised for your contribution to cardiology, it also means that you belong to a dedicated group of professionals demonstrating integrity and excellence in the care of their patients.

We are constantly looking for ways to better support you by providing a range of exclusive benefits and services.

Your Privileges

The benefits outlined below are fully accessible upon payment of your annual FESC fee. You can view and access your benefits in your My ESC account (Check your Fellowship profile and the Publications section).

Fellowship Recognition Benefits

  • Use of the “FESC” title
  • The Fellowship certificate is awarded as personalised recognition of Fellowship status
  • The Fellowship scarf and silver pin will make you stand out as part of the Fellowship community

ESC Publications

ESC Congress 2019

  • Online access to all ESC journals in the ESC Journal Family
  • A print copy of the European Heart Journal
  • A FESC discount on the ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine 
  • Special pricing on other ESC textbooks
  • A set of the latest printed ESC Pocket Guidelines at ESC Congress or ESC Stands at national cardiology events
  • Free access to ESC webinars in general cardiology, including webinars on-demand

ESC Congress


Fellows are honoured guests at ESC Congress with:

  • a complimentary registration  
  • exclusive access to the FESC Lounge's premium services
  • a dedicated assistance desk in the Welcome Area

All newly elected FESC are officially acknowledged by the ESC President during the ESC Congress Inaugural Session.

Watch the video  More about ESC Congress

ESC Education


  • Unlimited access to ESC 365 – all congress resources and webinars from the ESC and its seven subspecialty associations in one online cardiovascular library
  • Free access to the ESC General Cardiology programme for Continuing Professional Development on the ESC e-Learning platform

Leadership Roles

ESC Fellowship offers the opportunity to take an active leading role within the society.

FESC Directory

The FESC Directory facilitates meaningful networking and collaborative opportunities.

Broaden your professional network through the online directory of the ESC Fellows community. By enhancing your profile and keeping it up to date, you can connect with colleagues and ESC Fellows around the globe.

FESC Terms and Conditions

When you become a Fellow of the ESC, you agree to adhere to the terms and conditions, including the payment of the annual fee.

Access terms and conditions

FESC Support Team

If you have any queries regarding ESC Fellowship, we invite you to review the Fellowship FAQ or Contact Us (select the category “Membership & Fellowship / Fellowship”).

Our dedicated FESC Team is at your disposal and will be pleased to help with any matters related to ESC Fellowship. 


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