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CRT Nucleus: Comprises the CRT chairs and representatives from the ESC and industry. The nucleus is responsible for driving and supervising CRT activities. 

CRT Plenary Group: Comprises all CRT members.

 CRT Plenary Group is composed of: 

  • ESC Board Members 
  • Industry representatives from the cardiovascular field who paid a membership fee to join (2 representatives per company).

CRT Governance

The administration of the CRT is conducted by a group composed of Co-Chairs and Nucleus Members

CRT Co-Chairs: Job description 

The CRT is co-chaired by an ESC and an industry representative: 

  • For the ESC, this is the President-Elect (2-year mandate)
  • For industry, an election by the CRT Industry members for a 3-year mandate.
CRT Nucleus Members: Job description 

This group oversees the CRT activities and is composed of:

  • CRT Co-Chairs
  • ESC Members appointed by the ESC Co-Chair (2-year mandate)
  • The previous Industry Chair as Advisor
  • 7 elected industry representatives from each industry sector (2-year mandate aligned with the ESC mandate); elected by the industry members


The full composition of the CRT Nucleus will be known end of August after the appointments of the Academic Members and the 2nd round of elections for one position within the Industry members.

CRT Academic Members, mandate September 2024-August 2026

CRT Industry Members, mandate 2024-2026