Digital Cardiology and Artificial Intelligence Committee
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Digital Cardiology and Artificial Intelligence Committee


Purpose of the Committee

The Digital Cardiology and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI) Committee, formerly the Digital Health Committee, is dedicated to advancing the ESC Strategic Plan through innovative technologies that enhance physicians’ ability to prevent, diagnose, and manage heart disease.
In an era of rapid technological progress, the DCAI Committee fosters networking and collaboration among experts to promote knowledge-sharing across ESC platforms, including journals (e.g. European Heart Journal – Digital Health), guidelines, congresses and events (e.g. Digital Health Area at ESC Congress, Digital Summit, Subspecialty Congresses), educational initiatives (e.g. educational courses, webinars, workshops), and advocacy efforts.
The DCAI Committee’s purpose is to build an ecosystem of pioneers, start-ups, experts, industry, clinicians, researchers, and policy-makers collaborating to disseminate cutting-edge content throughout the ESC community, promoting evidence-based decision-making. Additionally, the DCAI Committee strives to cooperate with other ESC groups, both permanent and temporary, to create synergies and avoid overlaps (e.g. Working Group on e-Cardiology, ESC Associations, Innovation Think Tank, various task forces) while providing guidance and advice for various digital health-related initiatives within ESC core activities.

To ensure the effective development of these activities, the DCAI Committee reports directly to the ESC Board and advises other ESC Board Committees – such as the CPG, Data Science, Education, and Scientific Documents Committees – on digital and AI-related elements for initiatives under the Committees’ individual responsibilities.


  • Folkert Asselbergs, FESC, Netherlands (The)

Committee members

  • Charalambos Antoniades, FESC, UK
  • Nico Bruining, FESC, Netherlands
  • Ruben Casado, FESC, Belgium
  • Fabrizio d'Ascenzo, Italy
  • Dariusz Dudek, FESC, Poland
  • Sandy Engelhardt, Germany
  • Alan Fraser, FESC, UK
  • Christopher Gale, FESC, UK
  • Anja Hennemuth, Germany
  • Gerhard Hindricks, FESC, Germany
  • Magnus Thorsten Jensen, Denmark
  • Nurgul Keser, Turkey
  • Lukasz Koltowski, FESC, Poland
  • Karim Lekadir, Spain
  • Maria Marketou , FESC, Greece
  • Frank Rademakers, FESC, Belgium
  • Renate Schnabel, Germany
  • Richard Stephens, UK
  • Piotr Szymanski, FESC, Poland
  • Fleur Tjong, Netherlands
  • Panos Vardas, FESC, Greece
  • Florian Wenzl, FESC, Switzerland
  • Angela Wood, UK