Heart failure specialists of Tomorrow on Social Media
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Stay connected

HFA Young Facebook Group

facebook-logo.pngFollow us on the HFA Young Facebook group

We are extremely excited about it and truly believe that this serves as a very interactive and vivid platform where you can get in contact with other people that have the same interests you have. We are committed to spreading the HFA's mission to the younger generation and promoting young excellence in the field of Heart Failure. 

We regularly update you on:

  • congresses
  • grants
  • webinars
  • many other opportunities dedicated to the young community

Join our Facebook group and take an active role in our initiative, by liking, sharing and commenting. Let´s use this group to grow the HFA Young family by making the most of our network!

My Directory

My Directory is the easiest way to interact with your peers.
Available on your ESC Account, My Directory allows you to:

  • Find a colleague who works in the same area of expertise as you
  • Connect with your community - Fellows of the HFA and HFA Young
  • Contact your peers using a protected email system
