Heart Failure Young National representatives
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HFA Young Ambassadors

HFA Young Ambassadors are members of the HFA Young community selected to promote HFA Membership and activities in their respective countries. They develop and maintain a global network within the HFA Young community. 

The objectives

  • To create an integrated community of young cardiologists and allied health care professionals in heart failure in their respective countries.
  • To expand the community of young Heart Failure Specialists by recruiting HFA Members in their country.
  • To promote the activities of the HFA (scientific activities, webinars, research activities, grants, etc.).
  • To give feedback about the specific needs and interests of young heart failure specialists in their country.

Role description

HFA Young Ambassadors are expected to:

  • Act as a primary contact with the HFA Young Committee and the young community in their country.
  • Establish, in their country, a national network of young healthcare professionals who are interested in heart failure at different stages of their careers.
  • Promote an international network of young scientists interested in heart failure, and to promote membership in their countries.
  • Represent the needs and interests of their national colleagues within the HFA Young community in liaison with the HFA Young Committee.
  • Participate in the activities of the HFA and promote the activities of the HFA Young Community.
  • Actively interact on HFA social network platforms.
  • Provide a report bi-annually on their activities as ambassadors.
  • Enhance their professional network, become a member of an international network, and gain visibility.
  • Attend and actively participate in regular conference calls

HFA Young Ambassadors (2023-2024)

ESC NCSArmenia
First NameSergey Pepoyan
ESC NCSAustria
First NameNicolas Verheye ; Henrike Arfsten
ESC NCSAzerbaijan
First NameIsgandar Mehriban
ESC NCSBelgium
First NameSander Trenson; Petra Nijst
ESC NCSBosnia and herzegovina
First NameMilan Gluhovic
ESC NCSBulgaria
First NameDolina Gencheva
ESC NCSCroatia
First NameJosip Andjelo Borovac
ESC NCSCzech Republic
First NameAnna Chaloupka
First NameMariam Khaled; Yasmin Elsobky
ESC NCSEstonia
First NameTeele Kasepalu
ESC NCSFinland
First NameHarri Silvola
First NameCharles Fauvel; Clément Delmas; Guillaume Baudry
ESC NCSGermany
First NameDjawid Hashemi; Ahmed Elsanhoury
First NameSotiria Liori; Eleni Sertedaki; Emmanouil Kampanieris; Chris Kapelios
ESC NCSIceland
First NameThorsteinn Gudmundsson
ESC NCSIreland
First NameVivienne Sullivan
First NameAmitai Segev 
First NamePiero Gentile; Francesca Musella; Daniela Tomasoni
ESC NCSKazahkstan
First NameSvetlana Novikova
ESC NCSKyrgyzstan
First NameBabasheva Albina
First Name Irina Rudaka
ESC NCSLebanon
First NamePatrick Sarkis
ESC NCSLithuania
First NameIeva Jonauskiene; Paulius Orda
First NameJeremy Fleri-Soler
ESC NCSMoldavia
First NameJanna Cazacu
ESC NCSNetherlands
First NameThomas Gorter; Jozine Ter Maaten
First NamePeder Myhre
First NameMichal Bohdan; Krzysztof Ozierański; Mateusz Sokolski
ESC NCSPortugal
First NamePaulo Maia Araujo; Ana Neto
ESC NCSRomania
First NameLaura Antohi; Cornelia Margineanu
ESC NCSSlovakia
First NameMartin Chudy
ESC NCSSlovenia
First NameMark Zavrtanik 
First NameAinhona Robles Mezcua; Alberto Esteban Fernandez
First NameSandeep Juha; Emanuele Bobbio
ESC NCSSwitzerland
First NameValentina Rossi
First NameMhd Nawar Alachkar
ESC NCSTürkiye
First NameAnil Sahin; Inci Tugce Colluoglu; Selda Murat
ESC NCSUnited Kingdom
First NameKieran Docherty; Shirley Sze
ESC NCSUkraine
First NameOlena Torbas
ESC NCSUzbekistan
First NameKhumoyun Gulomov
ESC NCS First Name
Armenia Sergey Pepoyan
Austria Nicolas Verheye ; Henrike Arfsten
Azerbaijan Isgandar Mehriban
Belgium Sander Trenson; Petra Nijst
Bosnia and herzegovina Milan Gluhovic
Bulgaria Dolina Gencheva
Croatia Josip Andjelo Borovac
Czech Republic
Anna Chaloupka
Egypt Mariam Khaled; Yasmin Elsobky
Teele Kasepalu
Finland Harri Silvola
France Charles Fauvel; Clément Delmas; Guillaume Baudry
Germany Djawid Hashemi; Ahmed Elsanhoury
Greece Sotiria Liori; Eleni Sertedaki; Emmanouil Kampanieris; Chris Kapelios
Thorsteinn Gudmundsson
Ireland Vivienne Sullivan
Israel Amitai Segev 
Italy Piero Gentile; Francesca Musella; Daniela Tomasoni
Kazahkstan Svetlana Novikova
Kyrgyzstan Babasheva Albina
Latvia  Irina Rudaka
Lebanon Patrick Sarkis
Lithuania Ieva Jonauskiene; Paulius Orda
Jeremy Fleri-Soler
Moldavia Janna Cazacu
Netherlands Thomas Gorter; Jozine Ter Maaten
Norway Peder Myhre
Michal Bohdan; Krzysztof Ozierański; Mateusz Sokolski
Paulo Maia Araujo; Ana Neto
Laura Antohi; Cornelia Margineanu
Martin Chudy
Mark Zavrtanik 
Ainhona Robles Mezcua; Alberto Esteban Fernandez
Sandeep Juha; Emanuele Bobbio
Valentina Rossi
Mhd Nawar Alachkar
Türkiye Anil Sahin; Inci Tugce Colluoglu; Selda Murat
United Kingdom
Kieran Docherty; Shirley Sze
Olena Torbas
Uzbekistan Khumoyun Gulomov


First NameDaniella Motta; Tereza Lira 
ESC ACSMalaysia
First NameDiana Foo; Raja Ezman Faridz Bin Raja Shariff
First NameAntonio Jordan-Rios
ESC ACSSaudi Arabia
First NameAhmed Elgohari
ESC ACS First Name
Daniella Motta; Tereza Lira 
Malaysia Diana Foo; Raja Ezman Faridz Bin Raja Shariff
Mexico Antonio Jordan-Rios
Saudi Arabia Ahmed Elgohari

Requirements and application

HFA Young Ambassadors are appointed for a two-year mandate, renewable once, by the HFA Young Committee after consultation with National Heart Failure Societies/Groups and are the link between the HFA Young and national networks.

At the beginning of each mandate, the HFA will liaise with national heart failure societies to appoint ambassadors. Further applications must be submitted by email to the committee. The HFA Young Committee will review all applications, and final selections will be made by HFA Board and HFA President. 

Applicants must be under 40 years of age and be HFA Silver Members, HFA Gold Members, or Fellows of the HFA.

Applicants must provide : 

  • Curriculum vitae with detailed personal information
  • Short motivation letter, highlighting career stage and future career outline. The motivation letter should include the applicant's contributions to the activities of the HFA, as well as expectations and goals to be achieved during the two-year mandate

Interested in becoming an HFA Young Ambassador? Apply now