Working Group on Thrombosis Young Researchers
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Young Researchers Group aims

The most important aim of the Working Group on Thrombosis Young Researchers is to facilitate international networking, thereby strengthening the opportunities for international collaboration.
The group is embedded in the ESC Working Group on Thrombosis and creates a strong organisational framework for young researchers interested in thrombosis. Another key aim is to provide member benefits, including grants, mentoring opportunities and international thrombosis meetings.    

Let’s exchange, learn and grow together! Join our Facebook Group and be part of the conversation.

Young Researchers Nucleolus composition 2022-2024


  • William Parker, United Kingdom


  • Dario Bongiovanni, Germany

Ordinary Nucleus Members

  • Hanne Ehrlinder, Sweden
  • Panteleimon Papakonstantinou, Greece
  • Mauro Chiarito, Italy
  • Giulio Francesco Romiti, Italy
  • Jose Miguel Rivera-Caravaca, Spain
  • Pannayiotis Iliakis, Greece

Become a member!

Membership benefits: Why should you become a member?

  • Access international networking opportunities to facilitate international collaboration
  • Members of ESC Young Thrombosis Researchers Group are automatically members of the ESC Working Group on Thrombosis
  • Receive late-breaking news from the ESC Working Group on Thrombosis
  • Reduced admission fees for the Eurothrombosis meeting and the Antithrombotic Therapy Update Course (Sophia Antipolis, France)
  • Mentoring opportunities
  • Research “exchange” grants

Criteria for becoming a member of the Working Group on Thrombosis Young Researchers

  • Members must be either under 40 years old or they should be in scientific/clinical training
  • Interest in thrombosis (no publications required)
  • Institutional (academic) affiliation – proven by email address
  • Short letter of motivation / CV (not more than 1 page in total)
  • Membership for non-cardiologists / non-physicians is possible

How to apply?

Fill in the online form by clicking the Join Now button. 

Please note that you will be requested to login via your My ESC account first. If you are not yet registered on the ESC website, please sign up.

Unsuitable applicants (as far as formal requirements are concerned) may be rejected by the chairperson. In this case, the applicant will be notified but there is no obligation to give him/her the reason.

Young Researchers Group Grants

Different grants are provided by the ESC Working Group on Thrombosis for members of the Young Researchers Group.

Travel grants

This grant enables attendance for the Eurothrombosis meetings. 


This grant recognises scientific work presented by young people at the Eurothrombosis meetings

Visit your Working Group Meeting page to know more and submit your abstract.

Exchange grants

This is a research grant to be performed in a clinical or basic centre that facilitates scientific exchange and collaboration over the course of one year.



Read the testimonials of two young researchers who were selected and received a grant of 25.000 € each for their outstanding projects. 

"I am a PhD-Student at the Medical University of Vienna, Austria, in the research group of Prof. Johann Wojta and, with the Lab Exchange Grant from the ESC Working Group on Thrombosis, I will be able to work at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, under the supervision of Prof. Agneta Siegbahn. Agneta Siegbahn is one of the leading scientists in the field of thrombosis and tissue factor signalling. This grant enables the two research groups to collaborate in the field of atherothrombosis and facilitates the exchange of knowledge and experience between them.
This project will help to elucidate the impact of the proinflammatory cytokine IL-33 on the coagulation capacity of human whole blood and will give insight into the molecular mechanisms of this process. By investigating tissue factor activity in monocytes subsets and monocyte-derived microparticles, the project aims to further clarify the interplay of inflammation and thrombosis in vascular disease". Dr Stefan Stojkovic 
"I am a PhD student working at Herning Regional Hospital, Denmark, enrolled at Aarhus University and supervised by Associate Professor Steen Husted, one of Europe’s leading experts in thrombocardiology. The grant will allow us to collaborate with the coagulation laboratory at Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, led by Associate Professor Moniek de Maat, a leading scientist in the field of coagulation analyses and anti-thrombotic therapy. My research stay in Rotterdam is of great importance for my PhD-project and for future scientific cooperation between the institutions involved. Our study focuses on adherence and the role of coagulation assays in patients treated with dabigatran etexilate for non-valvular atrial fibrillation". Dr Willemijn Comuth