Scientists of Tomorrow at the ESC 2018
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Scientists of Tomorrow at the ESC 2018

In August, the European Society of Cardiology meeting was held in the city of Munich.

The Scientists of Tomorrow interviewed the winners of ESC Gold Medals 2018 including Prof. M.A. Pfeffer and Prof. O. Alfieri. They also interviewed the two winners of the Outstanding Achievement Award 2018, Dr. Carol Ann Remme and Prof. Esther Lutgens.

The SoT were very active in sessions, in particular for young scientists. Thus, the basic science session entitled “Emerging concepts of calcium signalling – from cells to clinics” organised was chaired by Prof. Niels Voigt and Dr. Albano Meli. Dr. Constanze Schmidt chaired the session entitled “Atrial fibrillation – Not all quiet on the molecular front”.

Dr. Anke Smits chaired a great debate on “Time for cell-free approaches in cardiac regeneration”. Dr. Kostas Stellos was the chairperson of an excellent interactive boot camp entitled “Active learning: CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing”.

Behind the scenes, the SoT had a meeting with the ESC Working Group representatives to discuss exciting new collaborations in order to unite our initiatives towards the young community.

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The SoT working behind the scenes at the ESC 2018: (from left to right) Anke Smits, Kostas Stellos, Jyoti Patel, Albano Meli, Constanze Schmidt and Niels Voigt.