News from the Young Thrombosis Group - March update
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News from the Young Thrombosis Group - March update

We have continued to meet virtually during the latest phase of the pandemic and have fortunately managed to continue our development and collaboration.

Paper of the Month

A novel scheme we have recently started in partnership with the senior group is a ‘Paper of the Month’ feature. This involves a member of the Young Researchers group proposing a recent article from the literature they feel is particularly worthy of highlighting to the thrombosis research community. The junior researcher summarises the paper and provides a commentary on it, and this is complemented by an independent view from a senior member of the Working Group.

So far, topics included are as diverse as endotheliopathy in COVID-19, dual pathway inhibition in patients with peripheral artery disease and use of low-dose edoxaban in very elderly patients with atrial fibrillation.

Our efforts so far can be found here. We hope that this innovative programme will flourish and provide not only up-to-date knowledge but also contribute to an archive of opinion.

Facebook Group

Our Facebook group continues to grow, but we would like to promote it further. Please consider joining to receive regular updates on relevant literature and events. Our desire is that the group becomes more interactive, so if you have a paper or event to publicise, or a question to ask, this is a good place to post it - self-promotion is very much allowed!

William Parker
Working Group on Thrombosis Young Researchers Vice-Coordinator