News from the Young Researchers Thrombosis Group (YTRG)
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News from the Young Researchers Thrombosis Group (YTRG)

by Dr. Gemma Chiva-Blanch and Dr. William Parker, on behalf of the Nucleus Members of the YTRG

YTRG members were well represented at the 2019 ESC Congress and were successful in presenting their work.

YTRG news from the ESC Congress 2019

Dr. Michela Giustozzi, YTRG nucleus member, won the moderated poster session on Venous Thromboembolism. She presented a post-hoc analysis of PREFER in VTE on "the impact of sex and risk factors for venous thromboembolism on the clinical course of first acute venous thromboembolism" recognising that women and men often differ in term of presentation, clinical course and prognosis in many ways. With her research, Dr. Giustozzi hopes to highlight the need for further data in this field, as women are often under-represented in clinical trials and sex-related differences are not yet completely understood.

Report of the recent YTRG Nucleus meeting

The 2019 ESC Congress also provided an opportunity for the YTRG nucleus to meet and discuss the group’s plans for next year…. And have dinner! We plan to engage more with the members of the group and SoT through contributing to regular newsletters and organising more frequent events.

YTRG Nucleus meeting 2019.png











EuroThrombosis & Vessels 2020

Looking forward to 2020, an undeniable highlight, along with the ESC Congress in Amsterdam (29 August - 2 September), will be the EuroThrombosis & Vessels meeting held 22-24 October in Lisbon, Portugal. This will be a conference jointly hosted by the Working Groups on Thrombosis and Aorta & Peripheral Vascular Disease. As well as dedicated Young Investigator sessions, we are hoping to arrange an evening networking event for the young members of both working groups. Add the meeting to your diary and get ready to submit your science!