News from the Young Thrombosis Group - January update
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News from the Young Thrombosis Group - January update

Opportunities for Young Thrombosis Researchers in 2022

Looking ahead to the coming year, there will be great opportunities for Young Thrombosis Researchers to engage with the international community.

International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis Congress

In July, the International Society on Thrombosis & Haemostasis Congress will be held in London, United Kingdom. This truly international conference will serve as a focal point for scientists and clinicians from across the disciplines.

ESC Congress

From 26 to 29 August, the flagship ESC Congress will run in Barcelona, Spain. This incredibly diverse event encompasses all the major themes within cardiovascular science and medicine, including thrombosis. It always delivers practice-changing research and recommendations.

Eurothrombosis and Eurovessels

Finally, the ESC Working Groups on Thrombosis and Aorta & Peripheral Vascular Diseases will host its much-awaited meeting, Eurothrombosis & Eurovessels, from 20 to 22 October in Lisbon, Portugal. As well as providing a state-of-the-art update delivered by field-leaders, there should be valuable opportunities for young researchers to showcase their work. It is greatly hoped you will be able to join us at this meeting in particular, which receives input from the Young Thrombosis Researchers’ Group.

Young Thrombosis Researchers Facebook group

Please note that you can follow news and discussion of relevance to young thrombosis researchers through their Facebook group.