Launch of the YTRG Facebook page
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Launch of the YTRG Facebook page

By Dr Gemma Chiva-Blanch and Dr William Parker, on behalf of the Young Thrombosis Group

During the lockdown period, the Working Group on Thrombosis Young Researchers have been considering how to achieve better engagement amongst our members and the young scientific community, particularly given the lack of face-to-face conferences at the present time. We are pleased to report that, in conjunction with the main Working Groups of the ESC, we have created a Facebook group for the Young Research Group. It is hoped this will provide a great opportunity to share information, ideas and for networking. As well as news of events, there is a plan to include case discussions, interesting ECGs and highlight newly published papers of interest to young thrombosis researchers, and to the young ESC community as well. We sincerely hope as many young scientists as possible will be able to join.

WG Thrombosis Young Researchers.jpg