Introducing a new platform: join the Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapists and Trialists of Tomorrow
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Introducing a new platform: join the Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapists and Trialists of Tomorrow

The Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy is promoting its young community, the Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapists and Trialists of Tomorrow (CPTT), dedicated to young professionals under 40 (physicians, nurses, scientists or other) with a particular interest in cardiovascular pharmacotherapy and trials.

Being part of the CPTT will allow you to:

  • Network with colleagues from other European countries who share a special interest in cardiovascular pharmacotherapy and clinical trials
  • Collaborate with other ESC young community groups
  • Receive detailed information on educational, scientific and clinical events in the field of cardiovascular pharmacotherapy
  • Be actively involved in all the activities chaired by the CPTT
  • Benefit of special fees for educational and scientific activities (courses, congresses, webcasts, etc) promoted by the WG on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy

Joining CPTT group is free. In order to become a member, you need to be:

If you want to get more information about the CPTT, do not hesitate to contact:

Gianluigi Savarese
Nucleus Member - Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy
Cardiology | Department of Medicine
Karolinska Institutet
Stockholm | Sweden